Good Places to Donate Cars in Tucson, Arizona

There is a wonderful charity called The Origional Charity Cars, inc. The have an awsome program that allows needy prople or families to apply for a free vehicle. The people applying must meet certain criteria. Weather your car runs or not is not an issue, But the vehicle does need a clear title. Running cars that meet the requirements will be donated to a needy person or family and none running cars will be auction off.
After donating your vehicle you will recieve all the necessary paperwork and a voucher in the mail within 30 days. If you vehicle is given to a person or family, you will recieve a voucher for a tax deduction of the fair market value. If your vehicle is auctioned off, you will receive a tax voucher for no less than $500.00. Charity Cars inc. will come to your home and tow away the vehicle at no cost to you. Charity Cars, inc. services more than just Arizona, they have offices all over the U.S.
Charity Cars, inc. contact information.
Phone: 1-800-242-7489
Charity Cars inc.
750 Miami Springs Drive
Longwood, Florida 32779
Another great charity to donate your vehicle to is Kars4Kids auto donation. This charity is really neat. All donations will benefit Joy for our Youth (J.O.Y). J.O.Y is an international organization providing for the physical, emotional and spirital needs of distressed and at-risk youth. Kars4Kids will give you a tax deduction receipt plus a free 2 night 3 day stay at your choice of over 80 resort hotels accross North America. You choose the resort area and they will place you in a hotel based on availability. You will recieve your tax and hotel vouchers appoxemetly 2-4 weeks after you have donated your vehicle.
Kars4Kids accepts cars,trucks and boats. There auto donation process is simple and convinient. They will come out and pick up the vehicle. They will need a clear title and your information. Kars4Kids is open Sunday through Friday from 8 AM to 11 PM.
Phone: 1-877-527-7454
Fax: 1-732-415-7480
Kars4Kids inc.
1805 Swarthmore Ave
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Both these charities have locations in many different areas. Get ahold of the main offices to find out more. Donating your vehicle is a wonderful way to help someone turn their life around.