Government Agencies Should Not Ignore Rights

The right of parents to raise their children is a natural God given right. Some parents are abusive. And for the kid’s protection, a Child Protective agency was established to remove the parental rights of abusive parents.

At the same time in America’s history, an agency was established that would remove the responsibility from children to honor their parents. This agency since its inception has infiltrated the sacred institution of family, working more harm than good. If you are asking why the government would found such a good plan then found such a bad one, you are asking the wrong question because it is the same plan.

It is the ultimate example of good intentions leading to Hell. In the effort to protect the rights of the children, the rights of the parents are being stripped away and neglected. The agency frequently tries and does treat the accused as guilty, going as far as to strip away the God given right of parentage based solely on a fear.

The agency likes to entrap its victims through talking friendly like so that the accused can prove their innocence. The agency does not explain that these talks are interrogations designed to have you speak without a lawyer present.

The lie detector test that they recommend is not desirale to say the least. Not only is the test unreliable, I personally heard one caseworker admit to another that the result wasn’t what she was concerned about, but that the test giver could frighten a confession from the accused.

Through the treatment of guilty, even when not proved, by the investigating agents during the investigation to employers and community citizens provides the perfect growing ground for severe backlash. However, these angels from the agency need not concern themselves with the ramifications that the accused and their protectors receive. After all, they are doing a good deed for the abused children of this loving country, so what if a family loses their only income when accusations fly.

This treatment is not readily acceptable when the accused is charged with grand theft or some other civil crime. There is a set of laws out to protect those that are innocent, but this set of laws no longer apply when the Child Protection Agency is called in.
It just seems to me that the God Given rights of a parent should be as respected as the man given rights to a thief. Or at the least in a country that wants to deny God, the parent should have the same rights as that thief.

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