Grab Potential Buyers’ Attention at a Glance

To enhance a deck, choose silk tree arrangements for an immediate striking appearance. Place a tree in two corners of the deck. Make sure the pot for the tree has a drainage hole on the bottom. Wire the tree to the deck boards or weight the pot down with rocks or gravel. The area under the deck is often overlooked. Purchase inexpensive lattice work to surround the area, then plant vines which will grow and travel across the lattice, or use silk vines.
Home improvement stores sell cheap troughs for dipping wallpaper and these troughs make great planters. Use dimensional paint to make the cheap plastic look like expensive rock or granite. Weigh the troughs down with rocks or tie them to the deck railings. Fill the troughs with Spanish moss then insert colorful flowers or greenery.
There are lots of unusual ways to display flowers. An old stepladder, for example, can hold quite a few plants and can be set up anywhere in the yard, on the deck, or on a patio. Other examples are an old wagon or bike, a wheelbarrow, or even a set of mobile home steps. Any of these can be set quickly and covered with pots of flowers and plants.
Make stunning stepping stones from the curb to the front steps quickly and with little expense. Purchase quick-setting concrete and mix as directed. Pour into old deli tray lids, burned pizza pans or make a form from cardboard. After the cement sets, turn the stones out and set them in the ground. You can enhance the look of the stones by first placing marble, colored rocks, beach glass or other items in the bottom of the form. Pour concrete directly over the objects and allow to set up well before removing the stones from the form.
There are many projects you can do simply by looking around to see what areas could use a flash of color. Remember, potential home buyers notice the outside first, so concentrate on those areas before starting on the interior.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design