Graduation Tips, Ideas and Suggestions

High school graduation is a very big deal and it will be one of the best experiences of your life. To make this an enjoyable event I have described some things you need to remember and bring to your graduation.

Location, Location, Location:

The location of the graduation place is very important. You should know if iti outdoors or indoors and what type of palce it is in. I have known several graudations to be at Lincoln center which is a very nice and gorgeous place. Know what time you and your family have to be there and how long. I suggest that you wear a button down shirt of a solid color with a tie. The pants should be suit pants, slacks, or dockers. The shoes should be also be nice.

An important thing to know is when and where you will receive your graduation gown. Some schools give them at at the door of their grgaduation while others give them out in the week in school before the event. The gown will usually cover your enture waist and most of your pants. The pictures will not cover your shoes so you don’t have to worry about that. Also the tie and part of the shirt will be in the picture so make sure you look nice.


Make sure that you know exaclty how many tickets each student will be getting. Do not assume anything. For my graduation everyone was guaranteed 3 tickets and if you wanted more you had to state in writing why you needed more tickets. Depending on the size of the place and amounts of seating you usually won’y be able to get more than 5 tickets at the maximumn because every student wants relatives or friends coming to the event. Make sure that you can get the amount of tickets that you want before you notify a relative or friend that they can come to the event.

Cameras: Cameras are a must. Everyone needs to and should take photographs of the students graduating. There is picture opportunities before, after and during the graduation. During graduation the best pictures are when students are up on stage getting their diploma and shaking hands with their principal.


For students it is important not to act childishly ot foolishly. At my graduation some people did cartwheels or walked on stage in their underwear. This is just plain stupid. The high school could still notify the college you have been accepted to and they could rescind their offer to you to go to their school.

For parents, try not to walk all the way up the isle for pictures; it will just get in other people’s ways. Cheer on your son or daughter when the graduation and remember for everyone to smile because this is a fun event.


Every parent should know where they have to seat. Usually there is special seating for the graudating students. Also, for students, know where you have to go to lineup before the graduation. Lining up is usually done by class or last name.

When speakers come up to make speeches, be courteous and listen to their words. They usually give good advice so take in what they are saying.


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