Granite Countertop Don’ts

Granite Countertops are durable, attractive and expensive. Proper care of your granite will keep your granite looking great for years and years. Unfortunately, there are many bad care and maintenance recommendations floating around the internet. Here is the list of things and items you DON’T want to use / do.

Avoid using generic cleaning products such as bleach, degreasers, vinegar, ammonia, or glass cleaner. You may save a few dollars in the short run but may end up spending a great deal more down the road. These products contain alkalis and acid chemicals that can damage the granite countertop surface. This will all have a negative effect on the strength of your granite sealer. The end result of prolonged use of these products will be that your granite will be vulnerable to staining. I mentioned glass cleaner last but products such as Windex will clean the granite and make it shine but over time; will damage the granite sealer.

Don’t use tile and grout cleaners designed for different applications (such as bathrooms). These are abrasive that will dull the granite surface. Many people use these products when they have granite countertop tiles.

Don’t leave nail and hair products, perfumes & colognes, creams or other lotions that can stain or damage the granite surface. These could leave a ring in the shape of the bottle that will be difficult to remove. Granite is porous, that is why you seal it. These products are notorious for getting into granite.

Don’t overstress your granite countertops by putting too much weight on it. Granite is a very hard surface but it is not flexible. Too much weight in one spot could cause a crack so avoid sitting or kneeling on it.

Don’t overspray glass and wood cleaner when cleaning the area. Spray your cleaning towels then apply to your cabinetry.

Don’t overuse dish soap to clean your granite. If it’s mild such as ivory it wont damage the granite but soap scum will build up overtime. This will dull the surface.

Don’t ignore the maintenance. Granite is durable but does require periodic maintenance to keep it looking great. The people who installed your granite will advise when you need to do maintenance on your countertops.

Don’t use cheep granite sealers. You invested a significant amount of money in purchasing and installing the granite. Don’t try to save a few pennies with subpar sealants. These will not last as long as quality sealants and won’t protect as well.

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