Great Uses for Tea Tree Oil

If you have never heard of tea tree oil, you might want to consider trying it. Tea tree oil is the essential oil steam from a plant that is unique to Australia and Northern New South Wales. The plant is called Melaleuca alternifolia. Tea tree oil is unique because it contains over 100 components and can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Research has shown that tea tree oil can be used as antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral purposes. It has been used in Australia for years and it is now making its way here for the same uses. Tea tree oil is known for it’s strong camphor smell. However, you should not let that stop you in giving it a try. It works.
Tea tree oil can be used naturally for the following purposes:
Treat Cold and Flu: You can rely on tea tree oil to help fight the symptoms of both the cold and flu. For sore throats, it is recommended to add ten drops of tea tree oil to one cup of warm water and gargle. Do not swallow the mixture. Do this twice a day. This treatment will help clear mucus and kill bacteria.
Congestion: Adding about ten drops of tea tree oil in a vaporizer will help clear chest and nasal congestion. Using this treatment at the onset of symptoms will aid in killing germs and bacteria. In fact, opening a bottle of tea tree oil and taking in the aroma can help clear sinus passages.
Athlete’s Foot: Athlete’s foot is commonly known to grow in warm, moist areas between the toes and the sides and soles of feet. Athlete’s foot is highly infectious and spreads quickly in locker and shower rooms. It is an annoying problem that people get. Tea tree oil has been shown to treat a wide range of fungal infections and symptoms, including athlete’s foot. To eliminate athletes foot is recommended to wrap the shoes affected in plastic wrap and place in freezer overnight to kill the germs. Then, you can wash your affected socks separately and add two capfuls of tea tree oil to the wash cycle. In addition, apply two to three drops of tea tree oil to the affected area on the feet. Continue to do this daily. You do not need to dilute the oil, just apply it to a cotton ball and apply to the feet. Remember that this is an oil and a little will go a long way.
Skin Irritations and Sunburns: Using several drops of tea tree oil added to bath water can help reduce the swelling and itching from skin irritations. For a skin rash, such as on the face or arms, you can apply a few drops of tea tree oil and rub it on the affected area. Most of the time, it will take care of the irritation within a couple of treatments. If you dislike the smell of non-diluted tea tree oil on your skin, you can find many products that contain tea tree oil such as soaps, body washes and lotions. If you are suffering from skin irritations, consider trying some of these products. In addition, the same method can be used to help treat the symptoms of minor sunburns. Tea tree oil will soothe the skin and aid in fast healing.
Oral Thrush: Oral thrush is a fungal infection of the mouth. It is very common in babies and children who put their fingers or toys in their mouth. Thrush can be treated using tea tree oil. Make a mouthwash using one capful of tea tree oil to twelve ounces of water. Gargle and rinse for three times a day. You can also apply two to three drops of the oil on the toothbrush to help kill the germs. If your baby is too young to gargle, try putting a few drops of tea tree oil on a washcloth and swabbing the gums gently a couple of times a day.
Toothaches and gum infections: While waiting for a dental appointment, tea tree oil can help alleviate the symptoms of toothaches. Apply tea tree oil directly to the infected area. Put a couple of drops on a Q-tip and apply to the affected area. The oil will penetrate the gums and help kill the bacteria causing the pain.
Cold Sores and Canker Sores: Both cold sores and canker sores can be treated with tea tree oil by applying the oil directly to the sore two times a day. For sores in the mouth make a rinse using two capfuls of oil and gargle twice a day. This is a very effective treatment for this problem.
Head Lice: Adding ten drops of tea tree oil to shampoo can treat head lice or louse. The hair and scalp should be wet and lathered thoroughly. Use a fine toothed- comb before shampoo is rinsed off. Avoid direct contact with eyes when washing hair with tea tree oil. If the oil gets in the eyes, it can burn. This method should be use several times along with treating the house and all of the infected bedding. Tea tree oil can be added to the wash when washing the sheets and bedding.
Insect Bites: A drop or two of tea tree oil can be applied directly onto an insect bite or sting to help alleviate swelling, itching and redness. In fact, tea tree oil might remind you of camphor, which is widely used to treat insect bites and stings.
Bug Repellant: Bugs seem to dislike tea tree oil. It could be the smell. The oil can be used to deter ants, roaches and other pests. Add a few drops of the oil where the pests are coming from. You can also wipe pantries and cupboards with a mixture of water and tea tree oil. This will make the bugs leave for good. The best thing about using this method for insects is that it is natural and will not leave a dangerous residue. Rubbing a mattress with pure tea tree oil will help deter dust mites. A few drops of oil added directly into a vacuum cleaner bag or canister will help kill dust mites often found in carpeting.
If you have pets in the home please use caution when using tea tree oil around pets. It should never be used with cats, as it has proven fatal to cats that have accidentally ingested the product. Never wash a pet’s bowl or dishes will tea tree oil. It is not harmful to humans, but could cause problems in pets.