Grown Up Kids Still Living at Home

The simple fact is it is easier to live at home without all the pressures of bills and rent. It seems though by choosing to live at home after college in a way defeats the purpose of college. One of the major purposes of college is gaining independence. It seems though many young people do not gain enough independence during the college experience. Another important aspect is there romantic situation those who are thinking of marriage are likely to want to live alone. Although I understand the reasons for wanting to live with your parents I see it as a bit of a backward step. After college I would expect a young person to want to step out on their own. Moving back in with your parents seems that no real progress has been made during college from a personal development point of view. I also think the experience of living alone should be at a young age. The reason I say this is because when two people get married they need to support each other. Its is important that you have knowledge on supporting yourself before supporting another person.
I think anyone considering moving back in with there parents should consider this decision carefully. Although it may seem like a convenient option it may not be in their best interests. Being independent and self sufficient are desirable characteristics and by living with your parents may show a lack of confidence. On top of that there will be a real sense of accomplishment to successfully manage all aspects of your life.