Guests on a Budget Can Find Thoughtful and Creative Wedding Gifts Ideas for Under $50

Items from Couple’s Registery
See what’s left on the couple’s registery. Often some odds and ends are leftover, including nice-quality towels, salt and pepper shakers, potholders, small appliances, creamers, a place setting, and more. The couple will be happy to find their set complete with your thoughtful effort.
Online Stores
After checking out the couple’s registry, see if you can find their more expensive items online. Are they requesting a $99 toaster oven? You might be able to find the same item, new in the box, on an online auction or liquidation store for half that. It’ll take some time, but the blushing bride and groom won’t mind your thriftiness. The key, of course, is not to tell them.
Handmade Items
If you’re crafty, a quality handmade gift is an excellent option. The time and patience spent will be appreciated by the new couple. Items to consider are personalized towels, embroided pillows, quilts, etc. Of course, only attempt this if you’re a master – otherwise it can come off a bit cheap.
Family Heirlooms
Has the bride every eyed that antique landscape painting in your home? Has she commented on a beautiful crystal vase? If you’re up for it, you may want to consider passing the heirloom along and including a special, heartfelt message about the history of the piece (where it was acquired, when, and by whom).
Family-Friendly DVDs
New couples bring plenty of movies to their new marriage, but chances are that they are lacking some classics – like seasonal movies and Disney movies. Old television series are also available on DVD – the couple may enjoy having a seasonful of episodes of a sitcom they watched as kids.
Pre-Paid Spa Treatments
See what local spas have to offer – and make sure you purchase two. It may only be a 15-minute massage, but who wouldn’t mind one of those?
Membership Cards
Now that they’re a family, new couples can benefit from wholesale memberships. Pay the membership card fees and slip the cards (or directions for acquiring cards) in an envelope.
If you know well in advance that you won’t be able to spoil the new couple like you would like, offer to help with the wedding plans. You could do calligraphy, centerpieces, backup photography, or bridesmaids’ hair – depending on your talent. If you’re not creative, you could offer to stuff invitations, pick up stamps, run last-minute errands, etc. Just be upfront with the couple from the beginning, and they won’t mind your lack of a gift and they will certainly appreciate the extra help during the planning process.
The key to giving an inexpensive gift is its quality. While cheap is tacky, thoughtfulness is always classy.