Guide for Moms – Bringing Baby Home and Adjusting to Parenting

“Don’t worry Honey, call me at the office if there are any problems,” your husband says as he walks out the door to go back to work for the first time since bringing your new baby home. You may have some fears and concerns about your abilities to handle being alone for the first time. The first step is to take a deep breath and take it one minute at a time.

By now you and your baby may have a generalized routine. For example your baby may want to eat every 2 hours and sleep for an hour in between. It is at the above most important to realize as your baby needs their rest you do too, especially for midnight feedings. Now that your husband is back at work during the week you may be doing midnight feedings solo for the work week. Rest and take a nap when your baby is sleeping, it will keep up your strength and you won’t be crying for sleep when the baby wakes up in the middle of the night. If your OB has instructed you to take your prenantal vitamins after giving birth make sure you do so, it is a natural way to keep up your energy. If you are a nursing mother, ask about taking in a certain ammount of some vitamins or minerals. Some may have to much or to little of what you need, therefor you may need to switch doses or brands. Your OB may advise certain foods that are rich in grains and vitamins to help you keep energized.

Now that it is time to set a more permanent schedule cut back on the visitors. Your husband andyou may want to have a calmer evening to spend time as a family. When your baby is awake it is really a time for your baby to bond with their mom and dad. During their waking hours they want to adjust to their new world, visitors can often over whelm the baby. If people call and ask if they can stop by that evening, politely ask them if another time would be ok. Do not feel guilty, schedule times with family members who live far away. Don’t overlap visits either, as your baby you will get over whelmed also. Stick to your schedule as much as possible during the visits too. It only takes being an hour off to mess up what you have worked so hard on.

If you are a new mom who delivered by Cesarian Section(C-Section) your activities are limited for 6 to 8 weeks after birth. You may need help around the house depending on your OB’s instructions. Hiring an at home nurse may be a good way to have some help. You aren’t burdening family and friends and you have more control about what the care giver does. If you can’t afford an at home nurse family and friends may help out by rotating in shifts. You will always find a way to thank them later for therir kind generosity. As time goes by slowly phase in activities that your doctor will allow and do not over do it. Many new moms feel they have to be super moms and cook , clean, and keep care of the baby. Allow others to help, it may take time to set your schedule to your liking. You and the baby’s health then everything else.

Many dads after the first month of parenthood may find themselves jelous of all the attention the baby is getting. Find ways for your husband to have his own bonding time with the new baby. This can be added into the schedule to have “Daddy Bonding Time”. Your husband will offer a change in many ways by just being him. His voice, smell, and even his skin will give the baby new sensations to learn. You could take advantage of that time to take a nap, read a book, or even get a haircut. Your husband will enjoy the new bonding time. As time goes on you may have a family member watch the baby while you two sneek away to have a dinner together or see a movie. YOur husband and you will need time together to be husband and wife and to be yourselves.

All the topics above fit into adjusting to your new role as being a new mom. Remember do what is good for your husband, your new baby, and for you. Everyone’s schedule will be different, so do what is natural for you. As your baby gets older your schedule may change to adjust to new sleeping and eating habits. If you get off of schedule adjust back to it 15 minutes at a time. Do not do it suddenly you may do more damage to the remaining normal schedule times.

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