Guide on How to Start a Hair Salon Business

1. Pick a location on where to a open a hair salon business. You want the location of your hair salon business to attract visitors. You want it somewhere where a group of people will go shopping at each day. You want it to a place that already attracts visitors. The location of the hair salon business needs to be the prime area of the city such as a street that is like the shopping center of the city.
2. Find a place where you get your inventory from with a discount. Since you have your license then you should be able to receive a discount on hair products to use at your salon business. You can sell some of it for retail price too such as shampoo and conditioners to customers.
3. You need to figure out how much you are going to charge for booth space rental. This is where you can also make money from the other staff at your hair salon. You can charge the staff a certain commission of what money that they make from clients or just set a flat fee that the staff has to pay to you each month for the booth space rental.
4. You need to do a special promotion deal in advertising for your hair salon business. You need to announce a grand opening and have something like a get one haircut and get another hair cut half price. Bring a friend type of advertisement special. This will help attract a variety of customers to give your hair salon a chance to impress them.
5. You need to make a sign that gives the amount of prices for each service that your hair salon business offers. People want to know how much a hair color costs. Perhaps some customers want a new hair style done for tonight party type of thing. You want to make up a list with the price of each service.
6. How much are you going to sell products such as special shampoo and conditioner for to clients? Make up some price tags that displays the price of each product of shampoo along with other items. You will be quite surprised at what products clients are interested in buying at hair salons.
7. Get some magazines in your hair salon for customers to look at while waiting. They want to be entertained looking at magazines with different types of hair cuts. This will give them a good idea to be able to show you what type of haircut look that they are interested in.
8. In order to receive the most sales as possible then your hair salon needs to offer a variety of payment methods available to customers. You need to be glad to accept checks and you need a credit card machine from a merchant. You need to accept all types of credit cards including the more expensive ones. Customers spend way more money on a credit card than they normally would with cash especially when it is an service or product they really want right away.
9. Your hair salon needs to be open on the weekends. You want to have long hours during the day and afternoon. People love to go shopping on the weekends and especially payday. Make sure that your hours of business are posted somewhere on the door of the hair salon.
10. Have a poster or two in the window of the hair salon. It will help attract visitors and it will give them the general idea of what your business is about. You want them to be interested in your business by simply looking at the poster.