Guide to Annual Halloween Activities in Keyser, West Virginia

You’re right, those kids are a little too old to be trick-or-treating, they really aren’t kids at all; they are college students getting into the swing of things by handing out candy to trick-or-treaters.
Welcome to Keyser West Virginia, ‘The Friendliest Town in West Virginia’, or so the sign says as you enter the quaint little town. Every year for Halloween, members of the Potomac State College community dress up in costumes ranging from pirates to fairies and sit on the porch of each dorm and wait for the kids. When they climb the steps, they are greeted by smiles and laughter and a handful of candy. Halloween here isn’t just for the kiddies; it’s for everyone and the students of PSC prove that all too well.
This annual event is held on the designated night for trick-or-treating and usually lasts the same hours. The day and sometimes time changes every year so checking local newspapers for this information is a must. Parking on campus can be a bit of a pain, so if you must, park on the street and walk up to the dorms and hit each one on the way as each has different candy and treats to distribute. So bring the family, there is something for everyone.
But wait; don’t leave the campus just yet! Head up the hill to the Haunted Barn (past the Church McKee Arts Center about a mile). Each year, students majoring in Agricultural studies work diligently putting together a great show for everyone. They turn each and every barn and stable at the campus farm into a haunted barn (even using farming tools as props!). The decorating and running of this amusement is done completely by the students themselves. Price for admission is usually $5 and you get more than your money’s worth. The wait is short, and the scares are long.
The tour is a self guided one as you enter the main barn. Each area is roped off so you cannot stray from the path. Don’t forget to watch your step! Area’s with steps are usually lighted, but please, be careful. As you leave the first barn, you are taken to another before you enter the stables and go through this in a maze like fashion. You will take a path through a grassy area before entering another barn and exiting through another grassy area. This amusement lasts 15 minutes, how many haunted houses can you go to for $5 and spend 15 minutes scared out of your mind? Not many of course. Take the opportunity while you can, visit the Haunted Barn and help support the PSC college community for all of their hard work
If you cannot make it on Halloween night, don’t despair. This begins several days before Halloween and ends around the first week in November. Why not go twice? You’ll get a good scare each time! This event is suitable for all ages but use your discretion as necessary.
For those students who attend Potomac State College, look out for the annual Halloween dance. Come dressed up in your best costume as there will be a contest. There are several categories which will be posted around campus a few days before the event. Come on out to enjoy free food, loud music and a night with good friends. I’m sure the costume contest, whether or not you enter will tickle your funny bone, college students can sure be creative.