Guide to Annual Halloween Activities in Monroe, LA

Halloween is one my most favorite times of the year. It is an excuse to let loose and indulge your freaky side. It is also the day where women find it appropriate to dress inappropriate.

In Louisiana there are many activities to do for Halloween, and that is still the case if you come to Monroe. Louisiana is known for their great parties and food. That does not change just because it is not Mardi gras. Any excuse to party and we will take off with it. In Monroe, Louisiana the party begins at the beginning of October and does not end ontill the day after Halloween.

The festivities kick off with advertising. Yes! When you hear commercials for a local business with the theme song to X-Files or Thriller, then you know its time to pick out your pumpkin. And in Monroe you do not just go anywhere to find a pumpkin. Families off all kinds go to the First United Methodist Church of Monroe. They have a huge pumpkin display. The sizes of their pumpkins range from as teeny tiny as a child’s fist to as large as a beach ball. They hold pumpkin carving classes and hold pumpkin carving contests. The competition is always top notch. Last year the winner carved two pumpkins that looked like Laurel and Hardy.

Once you have your pumpkin needs taken care of and you are in the Halloween mood, it is time for thrills. For good ol’ family fun the corn field maze in north Monroe is a great place. It is literally a corn field that has a maze patter etched out in it. The pattern is different every year.

Another family event every October is right outside Monroe in a little town called Start. Tim McGraw’s Swampstock every year is one of the biggest events to come to the area. Not only does Tim McGraw come but he usually brings his wife and a couple of other celebrities. Proceeds from the concert go to charity.

One of the more interesting events is the Bark in the Park. The event brings pet owners from all over the area to Kiroli Park dressed in little doggie costumes. There are judging contests on best dog costume and best owner/dog matching costume. Also, the dogs can go around trick or treating for dog biscuits.

One of the best October events are haunted houses. And Monroe knows that for sure. There are many haunted houses in the area but the most notable are Mr. Kingston’s house. He is just another guy with a big house, but every year he turns it into one of the best places to go. It is appropriate for children. If you are looking for something a little more elaborate and scary look no further than the Edge of Madness Haunted House. The Edge of Madness brings the scare every year with at least three different Haunted house tours. The professional make up and dÃ?©cor teleports you into another dimension, with trap doors, slides, and animatronics. The chainsaw carriers are always a treat to watch chase people around. This haunted house is neither for children nor the faint of heart.

If walking door to door does not strike your fancy on Halloween night and you want a community supported safe event to trick or treat at then go to the West Monroe Halloween Carnival at the West Monroe Civic Center. There are many games and events to compliment the trick or treat booths. Games include ghost tosses, mummy dearest, best costume, and many more. You can rest assures for your kids sake that all the candy there is safe and you do not have to worry about cars hitting you or your kids or strangers kidnapping the children. It is policed all night long.

Monroe, Louisiana has no shortage of things to do for the All Hallows Eve season. Whether it’s a family or just a group of adults, there are plenty of events all season long. Come over to Monroe and check out the fun if you can. I bet you will have a memorable Halloween you wont ever forget.

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