Guide to Cape Cod Tourist Area

Cape Cod is made up of several small towns Fifteen in fact. All of them have great salt water and fresh water beaches, museums, boating, fishing, whale watching, craft and antique fairs. There are beautiful bike trails that run through all the towns. There are quaint hotels and bed and breakfasts and great restaurants of all kinds. Something to please everyone. Each town has something special and unique to offer.

Orleans is called the gateway to the Outer Cape. It is the home of Pops in The Park. Out door concerts by the world famous Boston Pops Orchestra. There are events al summer long including arts and craft fairs, antique shows, walking tours, in August there is the All American Band Field Show and many other concerts..

Like to golf? Visit Captain’s Golf Course, a beautiful 36 hole course with driving range and club rentals and it is open year round. You can go on a charter fishing boat or go whale watching. And there are four parks for camping, fishing, hiking and bike riding.

Every Friday evening from June30 to Sept 1 at 8:PM there is a band concert in the park you can take the time to see the baseball stars of the future when you go to see the Chatham A’s, a team in the Cape Cod League, a NCAA sanctioned summer league. Visit one or all of the 5 museums. How about going fishing for striped bass, bluefish or tuna?

If you love swimming, come to Dennis there is a total of 18 beaches. Come on Labor Day Weekend for the Dennis Festival Days and enjoy the many activities including kite flying, Beer Races and an Antique Car Parade. You can also come for golf, tennis, fishing boating and whale watching. There are open air band concerts all summer long.

Come the weekend after Labor Day for windmill Weekend. There are a lot of activities including a tricycle race, sand sculpture, live performances and a parade. Come at the end of Sept and compete in a golf tournament and win prizes. And afterwards enjoy the Cape Cod Clambake.

From May 6 to Dec 24 you can come and enjoy the Cape Cod Winery Wine Tasting. There are musical events all year long and in Dec you can end the year with the Falmouth Christmas Parade.

Hyannis is the home of the John F. Kenney Museum it is open all year long, but hours vary. They have a great July 4th celebration Boston Pops Concerts and other concerts and garden tours all summer long.

Martha’s Vinyard
Martha’s Vineyard is an island by itself, yet it is crammed with all types of activities. Like horses? There are three stables to choose from. There are three golf courses, two regular and one mini. Nature walks through wild life sanctuaries and at least 10 places that will take you on a guided tour

This is just a small sample of the events and activities that await you in Cape Cod. Boating and fishing are big here but there are hundreds of activities going on all year long. A Cape Cod Vacation is a family vacation. You can get accommodations at one of the hotels or bed and breakfasts that dot the Cape or one of the many camp grounds if that is your style. You can also rent a private house on a secluded beach. Check out the Chamber of Commerce Web site to get full details on the beautiful relaxing Cape.

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