Guide to Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Live a Much Healthier Life

The Zone Diet – a lifestyle that major celebrities have been taking advantage of since Zone author and creator, Dr. Sears published his first book – does actually work. While so many people strive to lose weight, there are only a chosen few who stick to their diets long enough for it to actually show results. Certain diets in the way they work almost guarantee you’ll be back to stuffing your mouth full of chocolates and or cakes within a few months. It’s all in the balance.
The lowfat, low carb or even vegetarian diets are only time bombs for strong urges. That explosive feeling when you want something so bad that you almost can’t even control yourself, that is your body calling out for the things it needs most. Whether you know you want it or not, if your body doesn’t have the right amount of fat, carbohydrates or proteins to sustain your energy – you’ll be desperate to find something, anything in compensation.
A balanced diet keeps your body energized. If you feel a rush of energy from a candy bar, that’s a sugar high. Next thing you know, you’re tired again. That goes for different types of cereals or pastas and starches too. When you think of cereal, you think of that sweet taste of every bite – whether it be soggy in milk or crispy. It’s not just the sweetness that should tell you it’s bad for you, it’s the fact that the cereal stirring in your mouth is actually a bad carbohydrate. Dr. Sears wrote that a person’s body takes a shorter amount of time to digest bad carbs, and when the body can’t find a place to put the nutrients or carbs in that bite of cereal, it has to find someplace to put it. Guess where it goes – that’s right, fat cells.
Major sources of bad carbohydrates is sugar-packed breads like Rainbow-style white bread, regular store-bought tortillas, the crispy outer layer of that fried chicken you bought. There’s so many places to find all of the bad ingredients in our daily lives that makes us fat, but no one knows just how easy it is to fix the problem.
First, I would have to suggest that you pick up Dr. Sears’s first book, The Zone. He gets very technical in his descriptions, but bear with him. Dr. Sears knows what he’s doing. Then, pick up his best book, Mastering The Zone. That well-written how-to-book will give you all the steps you need to live longer, healthier, and feel better for all time. (Note: His other works include, The Ant-Aging Zone; Eating in The Zone)
When you’re done reading about all the effects these quick and easy meals you pick up at fast food restaurants, the nutrition we continue to take advantage of every day is actually the worst thing we could be doing to our bodies – take a moment, calculate whether or not you can efford to live on The Zone, and buy as much healthy foods as you can. Continue to follow Dr. Sears’s instructions for at least a month, and take it from me – a man who once weighed over 300lbs, you’ll never want to pick up another Snickers bar again.