Guide to Water Emergencies

If you happen to flood a room don’t attempt to walk in the worst sections. Simply open the windows and doors to relieve some of the moisture. Create a current of air throughout the room by placing fans toward the water. A large amount of water sitting idle isn’t good for the house.
The carpet may become damaged if the room is flooded. Open all windows and doors as usual, then pull up the carpet from the wall. Turn the water supply off at the main house connection during a natural or plumbing flood.
Don’t wade in the water that’s flooded a room. The electrical systems could be shorted out, and electricity travels fast through water. Don’t attempt to drink any tap water while there’s a drainage break or natural flood until you get approval from the emergency services. If you must use tap water make sure to boil it for at least a minute before consuming it.
To prevent mold have a properly sized air conditioning system installed. Make use of the exhaust fan located in the bathroom. Ask your remodeler about insulation techniques for mold prevention. Once mold takes control of a home it can be expensive to cure.
In the event of a storm roofs may leak. Get a tarp and patch the hole from inside for a temporary solution. Use large plastic container to contain as much water as possible. At the next available time contact a plumber and roofer. Doing roof repair as soon as possible is the key to preventing water emergencies. Adding a waterproof veneer to your home is a good choice if your worried about flood damage.
Homeowner’s insurance does cover accidental overflows, but it doesn’t cover natural floods. When you purchase flood insurance make sure you understand the loopholes of what will and will not be covered. The National Flood Insurance Program will cover mold damage after a flood, but regular homeowner’s insurance will not. Standard policies may cover mold as a direct result of a burst pipe or other emergency.
The average cost of adding a waterproof brick veneer to your home will be about $10 per square foot. To purchase a portable dehumidifier will set you back anywhere from $50 to $600. Flood insurance is priced at $438 while the cost of water damage and freezing repairs is $4,600. Don’t be left out in the rain. Be sure to educate yourself about water emergencies.