Guide to the Biggest and Best Baptist Churches in Lawton, Oklahoma

First, there is First Baptist Church. This church is located at 501 SW B Ave. This church is huge, it’s sunday morning services are broadcast on the local television channel. First Baptist offers many programs for young children and adults alike. Children can join a choir starting at the age of three years old. They can be involved in childrens choir until they enter junior high school. Then they can be in youth choir. Once they have out grown youth choir there is the regular choir which sings in the choir loft every sunday for services. The church also offers many bible studies. The young children age 3-5 have a study called “mission friends” while the older grade school children may attend “Royal Ambassadors” or “Girls in Action”. Throughout the year they offer many adult studies. This church offers a “Kid’s Night Out” for parents to leave thier children for a few hours and go have some fun. Sunday mornings there is sunday school for all ages at 9:45 a.m. and services lead by Dr. Gary Cook, start at 10:45 a.m. Sunday and Wednesday evenings are set aside for all of the choir rehearsals and bible studies. You may contact the church office by phone at 353-1770 for spiritual guidance or any questions you may have.
Next, there is Cameron Baptist Church, located right next to the college campass at 2621 C Ave. Pastor Bob Jones performs a traditional service at 8:30 a.m. on sunday mornings. There is also a more contemperary service that you may attend at 11:00 a.m. The contemperary services on sunday mornings are broadcast over the local radio station. Cameron Baptist offers a hearing impaired ministry during services. They also offer a singles ministry, divorce care, and grief share. Sunday school begins at 9:30 a.m. on sunday mornings. They also offer a sunday evening worship at 6:30 p.m. The church office can be contacted by calling 580-355-4854.
Lastly, is a full gospel church. The Christian Center offers a noonday bible study on Monday through Friday at 12:00 p.m. They hold sunday school each sunday at 9:45 a.m. followed by morning worship at 10:45 a.m. This church offers many programs for youth as well as young children. They offer a children’s church with a new indoor playground for the little ones. They have a nursery to take care of your young children during studies and services. Pastor Paul Craig encourages anyone who needs a church home to contact the church office at 580-595-9110.