Guidelines for Choosing an Animal Hospital in Detroit, Michigan

Choosing an animal hospital in Detroit, Michigan can be a challenging task if you are new to the area. Not knowing anyone to ask for a good animal hospital reference can make the process a little more difficult. Here are a few guidelines if you need to choose a good animal hospital in the Detroit area.

Begin by asking if there is a registered veterinary technician on staff at the animal hospital. A registered veterinary technician has studied for and most importantly passed the regulated state tests for all vets. Education is important! A registered technician will have experience and skills that are required for proper pet treatment. You should only allow a registered per technician to treat you pet and administer shots and pills. Almost all animal hospitals will have non-registered employees working for them. Discuss what their specific roles are with your vet. Are they allowed to do much more than weigh the animal and escort you to the examination room? If so, what are they responsible for?

When you first visit the animal hospital ask to see the veterinarian’s license. Do not assume that they are legitimate. This assumption could lead to the mishandling of your pet’s health. State law requires that a vet display their license in a place visible to the public. This is a similar practice found in almost any business. Now that you have found the license you need to know what to look for. Start by looking at the issue date. If it was issued yesterday you are getting a very new vet. While it is up to you to decide how many years in practice you would like your vet to be, number years of experience does say a lot. Before you finish reading the license make not of whether it is temporary or permanent. If temporary it will be labeled so. A temporary license is often issued to residents and interns. This means that the person taking care of your precious pet is in the final stages of earning their education. You may not want someone so new to the field looking after you pet and treating them. This is especially important if you are at the animal hospital for an emergency medical procedure.

Keeping this information in mind should help you know which animal hospitals in Detroit are qualified to treat you family pet. Here are a few local animal hospitals in the Detroit area to get you started in the process of choosing an animal hospital. Make sure you take the time to visit the before you have an actual emergency.

Trenton Veterinary Hospital is located at 2737 West Jefferson, Detroit, Michigan, 48201. They can be reached at (313) 676-6464.

Patterson Dog and Cat Hospital Inc. are located at 3800 Grandriver Venue, Detroit, Michigan, 48208. They can be reached at (313) 832-7282.

Vet Select Animal Hospital is located at 2504 West Warren Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, 48208. They can be reached at (313) 278-0860.

Hurley Dog and Cat Hospital is located at 15018 Livernois Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, 48238. They can be reached at (313) 863-5350.

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