Guidelines for Sleeping on a Plane

Are you faced with another long flight? Are you stressed out that you are not going to be able to occupy yourself during the flight? If you answered yes to either one of these questions there is an easy solution, sleep. Even though this sounds easy enough, if you have ever tried to catch some rack time while flying you know that it can be a difficult task. But you are not alone; this problem plagues thousands of fliers every year.

Believe it or not, there are a few things that you can do to make sleeping on a plane an easy task.

First off, you will want to make sure that you reserve your seat in advance. And not just any seat, you want to get one next to a window. This is beneficial for two reasons. Number one, you can lean on the wall which will help to make you as comfortable as possible. And two, you will not have to be disturbed by your neighbor if he or she needs to get up to use the restroom.

Coming prepared to sleep is also essential. In your carry on bag you should bring anything that will help you fall asleep. Some ideas include: a small pillow, an eye mask, and earplugs. Basically, anything that will help to make you comfortable.

Also, avoid sleeping in the day that you are going to be flying. If your body is not tired, you are not going to be able to sleep. So try to get up early in order to fatigue your body for the flight.

Finally, many people turn to sleeping pills to help them out. This can be a good idea, but you want to make sure that you consult with a doctor before hand. Also, never take more than the recommended dosage that is listed on the bottle.

By following the guidelines listed above you will have no problem falling asleep on your next flight!

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