When I lost my job as an office manager, about 3 years ago, I decided to pursue my dream of running my own freelance writing business from home. Truth is, I’ve always been savvy about spending, but unemployment really made me tighten the reins!
Though I knew there would be a few sacrifices, I really wanted to maintain my previous standard of living, yet enjoy the freedom and flexibility of not having a “9 to 5”.

Drawing from my P.R. background, I knew that image was important. My home would have to be accommodating as well as attractive, to convey a successful image. As a one-income-woman, as well, this objective became even more challenging!

With a little creativity and cash this is how I pulled it off.

Many people today, in their efforts to “keep up with the Joneses”, max out credit cards with designer line purchases. Not realizing that “expensive” doesn’t always translate into “better.” What is crucial for quality living is balance.

There is great merit to the bridal rhyme “Something old, something new..” so much so that I’ve adopted it as a lifestyle and decorating philosophy.

For example, the entrance to my home is decorated with beautiful, custom made, mauve draperies that cost me a small fortune. To offset this expense, the walls are tastefully decorated with thrift store paintings from Claude Monet and Norman Rockwell for less than a hundred bucks. The rest of my rooms mimic the same. To create a look of affluence, I mix quality (sometimes designer items), with second hand and dollar store accessories. The result is an atmosphere that’s pleasing to the eye and gentle on the pockets!

Far too often people associate thrift store finds with inferior merchandise. When in actuality, it’s not where you shop but how you shop that matters! The things that last the longest and for which I receive the most compliments, (unbeknownst to others) are the best-kept secrets.

Another way to maximize money is to buy things that can serve multiple purposes. A centerpiece that can double as a serving dish. Old rugs used as wall hangings, decorative baskets as magazine holders, bright popcorn and cookie tins as plant holders, etc

Living on a reduced income doesn’t have to mean a reduced lifestyle, if you are creative and cash-conscious!

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