HSN Shop by Remote Options

When browsing online, scavenging the store, or catalogs aren’t enough, many shoppers turn to television to get their shopping fix on shopping networks such as QVC and HSN. The power of interactivity creates a strong user response; when Amazon.com launched its home goods, sports equipment, clothing, and accessory departments, shoppers quickly flocked to the site to read consumer reviews, check prices, and monitor their wish lists. HSN, the Home Shopping Network, is hoping to capitalize on the appeal of customer interactivity with user-enabled purchasing power with the remote control.

With one quick click, shoppers can log in, confirm payment, review, and browse their favorites directly from their television set. Although HSN has an online component at www.hsn.com, users continue to flock to the television screen for the first demonstration of the products that are showcased. Pay-TV in England already offers this feature to many of its national satellite and cable subscribers, and this is the first network in the U.S that is opening to the concept of shopper navigation through television.

Since credit card information is already stored on the user’s HSN account, it really is a simple and instant purchase. Pay-per-view movies work on a similar basis, except that HSN shoppers can watch their ‘live’ demonstrations of the products and immediately make their purchasing decision as they sit on the couch.

The process is easy, and takes only 5-6 steps to complete the transaction.
1. While the product demonstration is taking place, the shopper presses the ‘Select’ button on the remote when it appears on the screen.
2. A menu pops up showing the products, along with other recommendations; shipping and handling, flex payments, are also included.
3. Payment options are offered; the shopper selects according to their preference
4. A warranty may be offered, under a Protection Plus Plan for an additional cost
5. Quantity is confirmed and selected by the shopper
6. The customer enters the phone number and zip code; payment information is already stored under the account!

The deceptively simple process can quickly become addictive, as many web shop-a-holics can confirm the appeal of one-stop, one-click shopping right at their fingertips. With the ease of web-based shopping carts, stored user information, and easy browsing options, shopping is becoming easier and more flexible than ever. Shopping on demand is not only becoming common, it is creating entirely new opportunities for advertising, pricing, and consumer behavior.

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