For years now, mind-body experts have known something that millions of people struggling with their weight need to know: the way we think about food is the major factor in successful weight control. It’s true. If you could think of the delicious, tempting foods that always get you into trouble with the scale as unappetizing or unappealing; you would have little difficulty in staying away from these temptations, right?

That’s where hypnosis comes in. There are proven methods of weight control that start with this age old practice. Now, you may be thinking that hypnosis won’t work on you. But you couldn’t be more wrong. Hypnosis is a voluntary activity, a state of mind that can only be entered into on a voluntary basis. So if you have the willingness to try it, it will work.

Your subconscious mind has the power to adjust the systems of your body for optimum performance. With hypnosis we can communicate directly with your subconscious and request that it maximize your efficiency in processing the food you eat, balance hormones to eliminate cravings, and remove unnecessary waste and toxins from the body. Reconnect with our internal wisdom and reflexes; the indicators that tell us what to eat, when to eat it, when to stop eating, and when to exercise.

Hypnosis cannot replace good medical advice, dietary education, or a good exercise plan. However it can provide the motivation to seek out any information or experts necessary for your success. Identify ignored feelings and satisfy needs, wants, and desires to eliminate eating when we’re not hungry.

If you are struggling with weight loss, hypnosis can provide the extra motivation to keep you moving in the direction of your goals, and enable you to escape the many food traps that get in the way of weight loss. Hypnosis is the perfect tool for re-educating your unconscious mind – the part that creates cravings and impulses – to give you back choice in what you eat. Permanent weight loss occurs with a change in lifestyle, not through unnatural diets that are impossible to maintain. Hypnosis can help you make those changes, quickly and more easily than you ever imagined possible.

The following are the 4 easy steps to practice self hypnosis:

Eat less: If you go to a restaurant, you can ask for half a portion. This way you both eat less and feel fantastic because you live the right way.

Do not forbid yourself from something you like, that way you only want it more. It’s better to eat half a chocolate bar or split an ice cream with somebody than to eat it all your self.

Start exercising: It do not matter much what exercise you choose. Just make sure you do something that makes you feel you succeed. Do not take on more than you can handle in the beginning.

Self hypnosis: You have now changed your behavior so that you live a healthier life; start practicing to think positive thoughts several times per day.

Thus using hypnosis is a safe weight loss method that taps into your subconscious thinking, which controls your habits. It is a relaxed state when the hypnotist can suggest positive ideas so you can change your habits and naturally change your mindset.

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