Habitaflex: The Greatest Design in Easily Movable Houses

Hurricane Katrina has shown us what it’s like to live in a FEMA trailer: cramped, cheaply built and possibly hazardous to your health. Basically, it’s a very low-budget recreational trailer. Trailers that are designed to be acceptable for a two week vacation, not a permanent residence for 3 maybe 4 years of living sandwiched among thousands in the same position.

You own a piece of mountain property with access only in the summer months. Leaving a structure unattended through the winter would leave it susceptible to avalanche or vandals.

Your job requires you to move every year or so, but finding a suitable rental place in some areas isn’t to easy. Having a real house you can take with you from one job site location to the next would be great. Having a mobile home requires hiring a specialized truck and getting highway permits. You really want something you can handle yourself without creating a time consuming nightmare.

All the above situations can be handled by the Habitaflex folding house. Imagine pulling onto a level spot the size of a two bedroom house. Unhitching the trailer then attaching specialized cranks and lowering the two sides down to form level floors. Next you crank up the roof over your floors, then slide out the wall sections that were folded up like an accordion behind the lowered roof panels.

A series of turn latches secure the roof, floor and walls together, and after repeating the process for the opposite side, you have erected your well laid out house with a simple allen wrench as your only tool.

You now have a complete functional bathroom with shower, kitchen with cupboard space, stove and refrigerator. Full sized appliances as this isn’t a cramped and small RV. When it is opened out it can be one of three different dimensions, an 18×22, 24×22 and a 34×22. Even the largest when folded up is only 8×34 and can be towed by a pickup truck in a street legal configuration. No special permits or equipment necessary to relocate this house.

Built in Canada, these brilliantly designed homes won’t take up any more space then a weekend travel trailer when in transport mode, but set up they look like a typical ranch style house complete with pitched roof.

Habitaflex portable homes are a subsidiary of Maisons Laprise Inc. a manufacturer of energy efficient pre-fab homes since 1989. The Habitaflex portable homes come with the heating, electric and plumbing systems in place and fully operational. Once you open it up, bring in your furniture, put food in the refrigerator, and your done.

To find out more about these fabulous homes go to their Web site. Habitaflex Portable Homes Be sure to watch their video showing a home being erected. The simplicity of setup will amaze you.

You Tube video : Habitaflex house being set up.

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