Halloween Costume Ideas

Dog Trainer who has been attacked
Get an old stuffed dog and sew its mouth to the arm of an old shirt. This will make it look like the dog is biting you. Place a name tag that says Bills Dog Training. Cut some small slits throughout the shirt and pants. Add some fake blood in spots and your ready.
I have seen this on little kids and just love it. Puff up your hair and spay it white. Or if you can find a cheep white puffed up wig that would work to. Wear a blue sweat suit. Then wrap your shoes in cotton.
Vampire Devil
Get an old red dress for girls, red shirt and black pants for the boys. Use some old red fabric for a tail and pin it to the outfit. Old red boots or even black ones would look good. If you want to go further you could buy some cheep vampire teeth and a pitch fork (sold at most dollar stores) and your done.
Smarty pants
This one is great, if your child thinks he/she is a know it all. Use any outfit you think would look cute. Buy a bunch of rolls of smartie candy. Tap the rolls of candy up and down the pants.
Farmer (for the little ones)
This one is great if your child wont last long walking and you have a wagon thats available. Have your little one put on some overalls and a plaid flannel shirt. Some boots if available and a straw hat. Tie a bandanna around the base of the hat. Add some freckles to your little one. Fill the wagon with some hay, place some stuffed animals in there on top of the hay. Have the little one sit on the hay and off you go.
Construction worker
This one is great for little boys. I haven’t met a boy yet who doesn’t love tools. Put your boy in some dirty jeans and a flannel shirt. cut the sleeves off the flannel shirt (if its cold when you trick or treat place a thermal long sleeve shirt underneath) and Brown working boots. Use an Old wide belt and connect some tools to it. Clip an old cell phone or walkie talkie to it , add a hard hat and hes ready to go.
This one you will need an all black hooded sweat suit. Black gloves and black shoes/boots. To make the strip down the back use some white furry type fabric. Cut a long strip and glue it down the back. Also cut an oval out of the same fabric and glue it to the front.
Wear a brown sweat suit or other brown clothes. The shirt needs to have a hood with it. Make some ears out of felt and glue to the hood of shirt. Cover your shoes in brown or black fake fur. Add some brown gloves and your set.
Take an old sheet and cut it into strips. Dye it in tea so it gets that “old” look to it. Glue the strips to the old pants, shirt and shoes. You can also use a ski mask for the face and glue the strips to this.
Hope these help you. Remember to be Safe and have fun.