Halloween Costume Ideas Using Household Props

If you need a creative Halloween Costume with little, time to prepare. Grab these everyday Items from your home and win that costume contest!

Halloween costume using household props #1. Sleepy: Grab a pillow and throw on some pajamas for an instant costume. Call yourself “Sleepy”, or the “Notorious Napper”. Seek out places to curl up and rest your head.

Halloween costume using household props #2. Pregnant woman or man: Speaking of Pillows, throw on an oversized shirt, and strap a pillow to your belly. A hidden benefit of this costume is you can eat anything you want, as no one will be able to tell. Walk with a waddle.

Halloween costume using household props #3. Mr. or Ms. Vain: Grab the biggest hand mirror you can find. Gaze at yourself lovingly I the mirror as often as possible.

Halloween costume using household props #4. Trash: cut leg and arm holes in large black garbage bag. Add balled up paper or newspaper.

Halloween costume using household props #5. Ventriloquist: If you own a dummy or large stuffed animal, bring it with you and let the “dummy” say everything you are afraid to; keep it tasteful.

Halloween costume using household props #6. Wear a hat to become any number of characters. Depending on the kind of hats you won, you can create an instant costume. A cowboy hat will change you into a cowboy of course; a fedora can make you a gangster. Perhaps you own a gag hat like a Rasta hat with hair or a huge sombrero. Now is the time to wear it.

Halloween costume using household props #7. Detective: If you own a pair of handcuffs, I will not ask why. I will just suggest that you wear a decent pants suit and don a toy gun and perhaps a badge as well. Bring the keys with your to the party.

Halloween costume using household props #8. Granny: Grab your best quilt and wrap it around your shoulders. Wear glasses on the end of your nose, and powder your hair. Pretend you cannot hear and tell stories about the “good old days” when you had to walk 10 miles uphill, barefoot in the snow on the way to school.

Halloween costume using household props #9. Lounge singer: Bring a microphone with you, and perhaps even a small karaoke machine. Break into song as often as possible.

Halloween costume using household props #10. Boxer or martial artist: If you own any sports gear at all, you can pretend you are an expert of a professional for the day. Wear your boxing gloves to be a boxer. Wear your martial arts uniform, and make yourself a black belt if you do not have one. If you have hockey, baseball, or basketball equipment, wear that too while impersonating your favorite or a made up star.

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