Halloween Costume Ideas from Your Closet

Home made Halloween costume #1. Black Cat: Wear your favorite, form fitting, black outfit. You can choose sweats, a full suit, or a pretty dress as long as it is black. Choose a pair of comfortable shoes that will look great with the outfit. Next add a tail to the back, you can pin it on, or attach it to your belt. Use a black boa, sash, or braided black fabric. Paint your nose and tape paper ears to a girl’s headband.
Home made Halloween costume # 2. Dust Bunny: Wear your most comfortable sweats in muted tone as close to light gray as possible. Pick up a bag of spider webs or cobwebs, and drape it all over your body. If you save dryer lint, you can use that too. Hang out in corners.
Home made Halloween costume # 3. TV show host, or contestant: Imitate your favorite American Idol, or TV show host like Howie Mandel, or Simon Cowell. Decide whom you most resemble, dress in their style, and carry a microphone with you.
Home made Halloween costume # 4. Rude Cell Phone Addict: Just keep on whatever you are wearing, and put your cell phone earpiece in your ear. The bigger the earpiece the better. A cordless earpiece should work best. In the middle of conversations with people, get a far look in your eye, and start having an imaginary conversation with an imaginary caller.
Home made Halloween costume # 5. Your boss, relative, or friend: Dress like someone that everyone at the party will know. Wear your hair in a similar style and imitate them during the party. (Keep it fun, and be careful not to hurt anyone’s feelings.)
Home made Halloween costume # 6. Secret Service: Wear your best dark pants suit (for men or women), dark glasses, and earpiece from your cell phone. Stay serious through the night, and act very “observant”. Protect people from danger whenever possible.
Home made Halloween costume # 7. A dancer: Girls, wear a dress with a full skirt and comfortable, but pretty dance shoes. Flit around the room, and twirl a lot. If you are a good dancer, show off your moves. Guys, wear whatever outfit your favorite style of dance dictates. Show off your best moves whether real or imagined.
Home made Halloween costume # 8. Hippie or retro: Take advantage of all the retro clothing that is back in style. Wear anything in your closet reminiscent of the 1960’s or 1970’s, and a headband. Grab a wig if your hair will not do retro styles.
Home made Halloween costume # 9. Fairy God Mother or Father: Any nice outfit will do. Add wings, and a wand. Your accessories can be made from wire hangers if you do not have a pair of your own.
Home made Halloween costume # 10. Doctor or nurse: Most people have a pair of scrubs in their closet. They are just comfortable and make great pajamas. Even some pajamas look like scrubs. Wear them for an instant doctor or nurse costume. If you do not own scrubs, wear a white blazer, or anything that resembles a lab coat on top on your normal business clothes. Make a little nametag that identifies you as a doctor.