Halloween Costumes for Newborns and Infants

The Disney Store has some really great character costumes for infants, although they do not have anything available for newborns. The costumes include Flounder and Sebastian from The Little Mermaid, Mickey and Minnie, Nemo, and several Winnie the Pooh costumes including Pooh’s Hunny Pot, Roo, Eeyore, Piglet, and Tigger.
Some costumes are available in store, while all of these costumes can be purchased online at disneyshopping.com
Target has a wide selection of infant costumes available online, and a few available in store. The ones we saw in the store included a pumpkin, a bumble bee, and a duck. Online they have some more creative costumes. For under $15 they have a soldier, a peapod, a chili pepper, a monkey, a chicken, and a ladybug. For under $30 they have others such as a tootsie roll, a pony, a Hershey kiss, Spiderman, a lion, a panda, and a piece of pizza. The options for newborns were not huge, but for babies 6-12 months the selection was much better. Check them out at target.com
Other online sites
At another online site, brandsonsale.com, I found a large selection of costumes for very reasonable prices. The best thing about this site was the large amount of newborn options including a bunch of different animals (elephant, parrot, octopus, monkey, goat, and more), superheroes (superman, batman, spiderman), bugs, and classic Halloween figures (bat, pumpkin, ghost, pirate). There were also many options for older babies and children.
Costumes4less.com had many of the same costumes as other sites, and despite the name, usually for about the same price. They did have many bunting style costumes that are good for newborns. There were some unique options though, such as an M&M, a clown, a leopard, a policeman, and a fireman. Most costumes were between $15 and $20.
Onestepahead.com had several unique infant costumes, such as a penguin, a koala, a skunk, a lobster, a frog, an owl, a pig, a flower, a wizard, and a knight. Most costumes were between $15 and $30, although some were on sale for cheaper. A few were the bunting style that seems to be good for newborns. Several said “fits newborn to 25 pounds,” but I seriously doubt that they would fit any newborn under 10 pounds. I recommend sticking with the bunting style for any baby under 10 pounds.