Halloween Costumes to Make

Halloween Costumes

A Paper Boy
Using your sunday newspaper, wrap the paper sections around arms, legs and body. Attach them with staples, or tape. Make a hat out of the paper – a pirate style hat, a cone hat or any style you like. Take a bag with handles on it and glue newspaper to it – front and back – and you have the “treat collection bag”. Once done with the costume – throw it in the recyle bin! Nothing to store for next year!

A Gift
Depending on the size of the person, get a large cardboard box. Turn it upside down, and cut a hole in the top (which is the “bottom” of the box) for the head to go through. Cut holes in the sides for the arms. Leave the botton open by cutting the flaps off the box.

Decorate the box. You can use actual wrapping paper, aluminum foil, fabric, paint – anything you like for the effect you want.

Make a hat out of ribbon and bow. Take a paper plate and glue or staple ribbons, bows or other fluffy items to the paper plate. Using ribbon, make a piece hang from each side so that they can tie under the chin. Person puts box over head and then ties on the “hat”! Easy to walk, easy to assemble, easy to toss in the recycle bin when finished!

“Cousin It” or Alien creature
At a party store or possibly a craft store, buy a couple “grass skirts”. This costume is best for a child due to height. Secure 2 “skirts” together at the waist bands. Take fishing wire or strong thread and using a basting stitch, run a row of stitching through the waistband of the skirts. Now, pull the thread to gather the waistbands. Pull it as tightly as you can without breaking the thread. This must “sit” on top of the person’s head, so pull it until it encircles the person head at the crown of the head. Once the “skirts” are sitting on the persons head, the skirt pieces fall all around them! No face is seen! Make a hat to match the creature you like – a regular top hat, a goofy hat, and alien hat. Again, when the party is over, toss in the recycle bin – no storing!!!

Playing Card
Using a large piece of poster board – 2 taped together if needed – with markers, draw the kind or queen or jack on the poster board the same as it looks on an actual “poker” card. Do everything but the face. Where the face is, cut it out so that the persons face is now the “queens” face.

Using duct tape, make a 2 circles with the sticky side OUT. Tape the part that needs to be ON the poster for an arm loop. Cut another piece of duct tape and adhere it to the part of the loop of tape that has the “sticky” on the outside. This will cover the sticky part of the tape. Make an arm loop of tape both sides of the poster board. Arm loops should be about where the elbow and wrist are on the person, if their arm is bent at the elbow and layed across the front of their body. This way they can slide their arm through one arm loop of tape and hold on to the other arm loop of tape with their hand. Make a hat or crown to match the card!

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