Halloween Party Games for Kids

Having a Halloween party for your kids this year and need some creative ideas to keep them busy? Here is a list of amusing games and activities that are sure to make your party a success this Halloween!

*PARTY WORD: This is a fun thing to start the party out with for the evening! Make a list of common Halloween words (ex. HALLOWEEN, COSTUME, PUMPKIN, GHOST, WITCH, etc…). These will be the official “Party Words.” Give every kid a handful of candy that they are not to eat. Whenever someone gets caught saying one of these designated “party” words, they have to give up one piece of candy to whoever caught them saying it first. Whoever has the most candy in their pocket at the end of the night wins a prize!

*GUESS WHAT’S IN THE COFFIN: Get a plastic coffin from a party store and place a bunch of crazy ingredients in it. The kids have to try to guess which body part they are touching. Here are some suggestions:
Hair: grass or yarn tends to work well
Brains: cooked spaghetti (with vegetable oil on it)
Eyeballs: peeled grapes
Skin: softened and tortillas
Teeth: unpopped popcorn
Fingers: cold French fries
Guts: cold (cooked) oatmeal
*Note: if you don’t want to buy a coffin box, you can use a bucket or a shoe box!

*HALLOWEEN BALLOON POP: Get a bunch of orange and black balloons. Write little dares on pieces of paper (ex: “Tell a ghost story” or “Run outside and scream like a witch as loud as you can.”) Place these notes in the balloons as you are blowing them up. When the kids are ready to play, have them run around taking turns popping their balloon to see what they must do to win their candy prize!

*HALLOWEEN CORNER: Get big pictures of Halloween creatures (ex. Black cat, Ghost, Witch, Pumpkin) and place one in each corner. Turn on music (Halloween music if you have some) and like musical chairs, once the music stops, every kid must run to a corner. The music moderator then picks one of the creatures (without looking) and everyone in that assigned corner must sit down. The game goes on until there is only one person left and that winner receives a candy prize!

*WHODUNIT MYSTERY: If you have the creative talent (and time) you can make a murder mystery up yourself. It should involve all the kids as if they were the suspects, and place clues all around the house to see if someone can figure out “whodunit.” OR you can buy a murder mystery kit from any game store. This is a fun Halloween party activity but it can take a lot of time.

*HALLOWEEN CHARADES: This is like regular charades but with Halloween figures (ex. Ghosts, Witches, Black Cats, etc�)

*THE WITCH’S TREASURE HUNT: Place candy all over your house before the kids get there. Tell a story about how a witch stole a whole bucket of your party candy and it is up to the kids to find it all. They get to keep what they can find!

*CATCH THE RUNAWAY PUMPKINS: Blow up two or three orange balloons (depending how big the party is.) Have everyone stand together in the middle of the room and release all balloons into the air at the same time. It is up to the kids to make sure they do not let the balloons touch the ground but they aren’t allowed to hold any given balloon for more than one second.

*SPIDER WEB: This should be reserved for the last event of the evening and will award every kid with their “party favor.” Pick a room of the house that no one will go in during the party. Get a bunch of white yarn. For every kid attending the party cut a really long piece of string and tie their party favor to the end of it. Place the yarn all over (around chairs, behind the TV stand, etc.) and make them follow the “spider web” to their gift. By doing this for every kid attending the party, the room will look like one big spider web and will be a great last activity for them!

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