Halloween Pillow Slipcover Craft Project

To make this easy Halloween fabric craft project you will need:
Felt (in Black, oranges yellow, green and white)
No Sew
Fabric puff paint
To start your Halloween pillow slipcovers you will need to decide which pillows you are going to use. I used my couch pillows. In my case I made black pillows with colorful Halloween designs. Lay your black felt fabric on a flat large surface; a dining room table or kitchen counter works well. Trace out your pillow shape on the fabric. Leave at least 2 inches around the shape of your pillow. You will need two-piece of this. Leave one piece of fabric whole. Cut the other in half exactly. If your pillow is square this will be simple. If your pillow is rectangle, cut your 2nd piece of fabric in half horizontally equidistant from top to bottom.
Now, I like to decorate the front of my Halloween pillow cover before I assemble it, but you can assemble it first and then decorate if you would like. Use you more colorful felt to cut out your patter. White felt cut out in the shape of a ghost and some yellow felt cut out in the word “Boo!” is a simple and easy design anyone can do. You could also cut out a large yellow moon. Use a pencil or piece of stalk to outline the shape of a witch flying on a broom. Cut it out with scissors.
Next, use fabric glue to attach your Halloween cut outs to the pillow cover. If you have chosen to assemble your pillow before decorating make sure your fabric glue doesn’t leak through and glue your pillow cover together or you won’t be able to insert the pillow. Once you have attached your felt you can use puff paint to add small details. Make sure all of this dries before you assemble the slipcover.
To assemble the Halloween pillow cover lay your front decorated panel face up. Outline the edge with no sew or fabric glue. Lay you back panels on top of the front panel. If you are using fabric glue, press the panels together and let this dry. If you are using No Sew then you are ready to iron the pillow together.
Turn your Halloween slipcover inside out once it has dried or your No Sew has cooled off. You can easily insert you pillow through the center opening in the back. Enjoy your pillowslip cover for years to come.
Here are some tips you can use while making this Halloween craft project:
1. Always wash your fabric before making anything out of it. This will allow your fabric to go ahead and shrink before your cut it out. While all fabric won’t shrink. Some will; so don’t risk it.
2. You can make this Halloween slip cover out of any fabric you would like. If you use a fabric besides felt you will need to No Sew or fabric glue down the edges of the two back panels where the pillow slips in. Do this while your panels are unassembled. Fold them over with the rough edges towards what will the inside f the panes. Assemble as described before after this point.