Halloween Trick or Treat Bag Craft Project

To get started making your own Halloween trick or treat bags you will need:
1 Pillowcase per child
Ribbons (for handles)
Fabric paint this will keep any decorations like paints and markers form leaking through to the other side.
4 Buttons per bag
Heavy Duty Thread
Puff fabric paint
Fabric Glue
Googly eyes, pipe cleaner, buttons and other miscellaneous craft materials for embellishing
The first thing you need to do when making your own trick or treat bag is to go ahead and attach the handles to the pillowcase. You might want to do this before hand so that impatient kids can go ahead and start decorating their trick or treat bags. To attach the handles I like to cut two pieces of ribbon, wide ribbon works best, about 10 inches long. Attach them to the bag with a needle and thread. It looks really cute if you place you handles in about 4 inches from each edge and sew them on with a button. I place the ribbon on the bag, a button on top of the end of the ribbon and then start sewing through the holes. If you don’t have any buttons you could still just sew your ribbon on to the Halloween bag. One tip if your kids are going to use fabric paints on their trick or treat bags, wash the pillowcase before they start to paint. This will ensure if you wash their craft project in the future that the paint withstands the test of time.
Now that the handles are finished insert your piece of scrap cardboard into the bag. It also provides a smooth solid surface for the kids to decorate on. This insert will work best of you use a tape measure to measure your pillowcase and then cut out the cardboard or poster board to size. This way it will stretch the fabric taut, providing the smoothest work surface.
Now the crafty fun can start. Use any Halloween inspirations you can while making your trick or treat bag. A black pillowcase is perfect for turning in to a scary cat face or bat face. An orange pillowcase would make the perfect background for a jack o lantern. It is very easy to find a white pillowcase, which would be perfect for a ghost face. Let your kids use their imagination during this part of the craft project. This is also a great time to use up any craft materials you have laying around the house.
To create the jack o lantern trick or treat bag use an orange pillowcase. Sew on green ribbon handles to mimic the stem of the pumpkin. Use fabric paint to paint on eyes, nose, and a mouth. Once the fabric paint has dried you can outline with fabric glue and sprinkle glitter on top. You could also use puff paint instead of glitter to outline the face.
You could also create a Halloween themed trick or treat bag by using Halloween stamps dipped in fabric paint to stamp a pattern of ghosts, pumpkins, or scary words all over the bag. For a little interactive fun kids could paint a tic tac toe board on the bag and use X’s and O’s cut out of card board to play some games before they fill their bags up with candy.
This craft project is a blank canvas for kids and the perfect time for them to express their creativity. Best of all they can use this trick or treat bag year after year.