Handprinted Poem: A Homemade Mother’s Day Gift That Children Can Make

With Mother’s Day slowly approaching, children are beginning to wonder what gifts they can get their mom for the “Big Day.” Mothers absolutely love homemade gifts that their children put together. They are a great keepsake that hold many cherished memories. A handprinted poem is a great homemade Mother’s Day gift idea that kids can make for Mom. It is safe, easy, and makes for a great framed artwork. All you need to make a handprint poem for Mother’s Day is Paper, Paint, Pen or Marker, a child, and a little imagination.

Start off by letting your child decorate the border of the paper with shapes, stickers, beads, anything their little hearts desire. You can also do a little searching on the internet, if you wish to print off a border, but it is much more fun to let your child make their own.

Next, select a poem in which you want inserted into the middle of the paper. Perhaps, you have a favorite poem that the child and mother share, or perhaps you can once again do a quick internet search for one. With the pen (or marker) write the poem in the middle of the paper.

And then for the part the children love. Pour a little paint into the center of a paper plate, and let the child dip their hands into the paint, making sure they get them fully covered. Place one hand on each side of the center poem and press down firmly for 5 seconds. Lift up the child’s hands without smearing them, and look, two small beautiful handprints.

If the child wishes to make more decorations around the side’s of the poems they can do that just as they did with the border. Allow the paint to dry and put it inside a nice frame, and there you have it, a beautiful homemade handprint poem.

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