Handy Magnets You Can Make Yourself

Magnets are easy to find in all shapes and sizes at craft or department stores. The great thing about that is that now you can put magnets on all types of things to make your life easier. Make handy magnets that will help you in the kitchen, get rid of body pain, or place photos in unique places.

Many people use magnets, which are normally store-bought, to hold notes or coupons to the refrigerator and other surfaces. Magnets are a fantastic way of keeping up with other things, too. Use any kind of water-proof glue (not hot glue), to make your measuring spoons magnetic and easy to find. Simply glue a small magnet to the back side of the spoon handle. The magnets are great for small measuring cups too. Have your measuring implements handy, on the stove or fridge, rather than digging through drawers for them.

Use a thick rubber washer, or glue together several thin ones, then screw a “C” hook through them. Glue the rubber washers to a magnet and hang on stove. Position the “C” hook to easily hold potholders or hand towels. Make the magnetic “C” hooks to hang barbecue utensils on the grill, too.

Another handy thing to make magnetic is a calendar or appointment book. Magnets are available now in sheets with adhesive. Simply print a calendar out on your home printer or purchase one and put it to the magnetic sheeting. Use the sheeting for photos of your kids or grand kids, business cards of frequented merchants, or an inspirational poem.

Make fun things for your kids with magnets, too. Use old Scrabble letters and put magnetic sheeting on the backs. Now kids can spell their name and other words on the fridge. Another handy magnet set is made by using images from old greeting cards, gift bags, or cereal boxes. Cut out cartoon characters, trees, houses, birds and other items then place them on the magnetic sheeting. Kids will have hours of fun moving the characters and scenery around.

Many people are discovering that magnets have health benefits as well. For aching joints make a magnetic wrap. Wide terrycloth headbands or wrist sweat bands make the perfect magnetic wrap. For wrists or elbows use two of the bands. Place the magnet on one band and use fabric glue or machine to attach the two bands together, trapping the magnet in between. Slide the band around the wrist, elbow or ankle. Use a wide terrycloth headband to make wraps for knees. You can also attach the magnets to elastic bandages for the same effect.

In the garage, attach magnets to a metal tool chest to hold tools that are used frequently. You can also screw a giant piece of sheet metal to one wall and use magnets to hold tools where they are handy. Many tools have an opening on the handle that will allow you to pass a piece of cord through to make hanging easier. If you have file cabinets hide the key on the lower backside by placing a magnet there. Put the key in an old matchbox or another container and glue it to the magnet.

A good way to hide a spare key for your car is to make a handy magnetic key holder. Use a dental floss container or a small plastic container of some sort. Use a flat, square or circular magnet to hold the container under the fender of the car. Make sure any glue you use is waterproof. There are lots of handy ways to use magnets these days. Look around your home for other possibilities.

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