Harness the Power of the Internet Through Ebay!

I highly recommend that everyone have a website, especially if you have a product or products to sell. The internet is HUGE and there is an enormous amount of people out there who have access to it and are very apt to purchase things online. It’s great to start with you local area, but I think it is usually best to do both.

All of my business is currently conducted over the internet and most of the payments I receive are also through the internet. I have never sent out a catalog and I am not currently taking phone orders. I’m hoping to put out a catalog next year and expand to phone orders in the not-too-distant future (as soon as I can find someone to hire to be my assistant), but for now, all of our orders are through the internet. They are also the result of basically zero paid advertising and a very limited budget. And yet, the business makes hundreds of dollars per month-often hundreds of dollars per day.

My point in saying all of this is that if you learn how to harness the power of the internet, the potential is almost limitless. For the time I put into it, the return is excellent. And, I don’t even have to be home or working to be making money. When I am gone, my store (website) is still open processing orders and putting money in my bank account. My eBooks are entirely automated which means that when someone buys them I have the system set up and it does everything for me (the links direct them to the eBook download page and then it deposits their payment in my account). I make hundreds of dollars per month just on eBook sales-and I do nothing. After the initial time put into the eBook to create it and set it up (which is a considerable amount of time, by the way!), everything else is done for me through the help of the internet.

In order to harness the power of the internet, you first need a website. There are many ways to go about this and I want to touch on a few of them

First off, let’s start with selling on eBay. Many people do this and make a full-time income off of it. You have to know what you are doing and it will take you work and time to learn, but if you can figure out what works for you and make a good profit, go for it. There are millions of buyers on eBay and it’s a very ripe market.

Selling on eBay is one of the best ways to try your hand at an online business. Look around your house, in your closets, garage, and shed. Find items you no longer use and put them up for sale on eBay. You may just find that you like selling on eBay so much you clean out your entire house and run out of items to sell! In that case, visit your local thrift stores, yard sales, or auctions. Or, you can buy items wholesale and resell them.

Check out Chris Malta’s site for some good wholesale information:

An eBay Store
If you enjoy selling on eBay, you should consider opening up an eBay storefront. This will give you a ready-made website and you only pay $15.97 per month. I recommend that you first sell in online auctions for at least a month before you consider opening an eBay store. That way, you know your way around and have a general idea of what works and what doesn’t before you start. Stores are harder to be successful at, so you need to know what you are doing before you start. The advantages of having a store are that your listing fees are reduced by a large margin and people can see all of your listings in your store at once. When you feel ready to open up a store, you can try a free 30-day trial to see if an eBay storefront is for you. To maximize your store’s selling performance, always have a few auctions running and use those auctions to drive people to your store.
Go here to open an eBay store: http://www.dpbolvw.net/click-1765548-10306714

I have made quite a bit of money in a short amount of time by selling on eBay. I periodically clean out our house and put up about 5-8 lots on eBay. This is an excellent way to make a few hundred dollars (maybe you could even use that money to start your business!) quickly and also to see if selling on eBay is for you.

In order to find out whether or not an item will sell well on eBay, do a search for it and check to see if the items are being bid on, and if so, for how much. People are usually going to pay less for an item on eBay than they would pay for it at the store, so if you sell something which can easily be purchased at Wal-mart, you probably won’t make a lot of money. Antiques, old books, hard-to-find items, handmade items, and things of this nature will have a better chance of selling if you know what sells and how to sell it (and the best way to learn is just to try.

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