Have Fun This Summer at the Building Blocks Camp in Kochi, India

Naresh is busy. His team is ready for take off on Mission Mars. Last minute checks. All controls ready. Countdown 10�9�8� 3�2�1 Take Off!

Welcome to The Summer Camp at Building Blocks in , Kochi, India. This is just one role playing activity that will occupy Naresh this summer. The city is abuzz with camps. Parents are looking forward to sending their children in the hope of keeping them occupied for a few hours every day. Better still if the kids can play while they learn.

This is just what Building Blocks attempts to do. Every summer the school conducts month long summer camps in April and May where children between the ages of 5-12 years can learn while they enjoy. After a year long session of adult oriented organised learning, children now have a unique opportunity to work with and learn from skilled artists and teachers. This year is no different.

The camp activities include craft, painting, clay modelling, mask making and bread craft that develop motor skills and imagination. Activities like storytelling and puppetry transport them to another world and help develop their confidence and self esteem. There will be cooking activities where children will make their own snacks and sweets. They even get to take a break on a movie day with their own home made popcorn. Finally no Building Blocks camp is complete with party time filled with games and music and dance! Activities like these help develop your child’s communication skills, create an awareness of the world around them and learn to participate in a group.

The first camp will be held from April 3rd through 28th and the second camp will be held from May 1st through 26th. Details of the summer camp can be obtained at Building Blocks Play School, No: 18 Girinagar, Opp. GCDA, Kochi – 682 020. Phone: 2316918. Facilities will include pick up and drop.

The camp promises your kids will take back memories of a life time.

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