Have a Great Time at the Flying W Ranch in in Colorado Springs, Colorado

The Flying W Ranch in Colorado Springs Colorado serves a dinner that satisfies the stomach, and entertainment that satisfies the soul. On cold winter evenings, the steak house is lit up with cozy candles on every table and the smell of cooking biscuits, baked beans, BBQ sauce and flame kissed beef greets you as you walk in the door. The entertainers, decked in cowboy boots, blue jeans, plaid patterned button up shirts, (you know the type that has the pearl buttons) a kerchief around their necks and the outfit was topped off with rugged cowboy hats. They have cheery smiles that are as warm as the lighting and as welcoming as the smell of fresh baked cookies at the end of a rough day.

Each entertainer plays the role of waiter in addition to their primary post. They always have kind and funny things to say to each group situated in their serving area and are so pleasant to have around. When you first arrive, you are served tortilla chips and cheesy salsa as the chips’ complement. There are also little bowls of popcorn awaiting your arrival. Once you have given your order to your waiter slash entertainer, you are told how to go about getting your food. Within a few moments of ordering, a fresh garden salad is brought out to you at your table and while you enjoy it, your other food is being prepared. When your table is called, everyone at the table is to pick up their napkin and proceed into the back room of the steakhouse where all the meat is grilled. You pick up the hot plate with the meat of your choice and return to your table to find fresh biscuits with the most delicious honey butter I have ever tasted, a small cast iron bowl of ranch style baked beans, and a baked potato, still wrapped in the foil it was cooked in. The meat you have to choose from is Kansas City Strip Steak, flame grilled Trout, BBQ Chicken and BBQ Brisket. All of the above choices are beyond tasty.

After the food has been brought out and eaten, partitions that give a little privacy and cut down on noise during dinner are moved aside so everyone has a clear view of the stage. The waiters abandon their waiter duties to take on their much loved job of entertaining the room full of satisfied customers. After announcing the special events taking place such as birthdays, anniversaries, and special guests that come from all over to visit the Flying W, the Flying W Wranglers ask all of the soldiers both past and present, to stand up and allow themselves to be recognized. The whole room at that point is electric with emotion. The Wranglers proceed to show their appreciation to the soldiers and then get on with their show. They sing, play instruments, yodel, and make jokes. They appear to be extremely close to each other, knowing details about the others that only a close friend would know.

After the show the Wranglers sit outside the dining room and sign items for the crowd and sell numerous musical CD’s that feature their newer and older songs. Visiting this unique ranch every winter is a family tradition for me and my family and I can’t see that changing for a good long time. In a world where time is cruel and constantly changing things around you, you will find yourself at home in an atmosphere that has refused to change at the Flying W Ranch. If you are in Colorado or are coming for a visit, I would recommend that you stop in at the ranch and go back a few decades, where the people are kind, the food is grand and the entertainment is pure and satisfying.

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