Have a Less Stressful Thanksgiving by Preparing Your Kitchen Beforehand

Having your kitchen organized and properly stocked will greatly reduce your stress on Thanksgiving. Doing this will also free up time that you can spend with your guests. Here are some tips for preparing a kitchen for Thanksgiving that I do each year.


Get all the appliances you’ll need to prepare your meal together. Some common small appliances often needed for making a large meal are an electric can opener, microwave, food processor and a mixer. Thoroughly clean all your appliances, and make sure each one is working properly.

Throw Out Old Food and Ingredients

A few days before Thanksgivings, clean out your refrigerator and cupboards. This will help you get rid of any expired foods, and it will make room for your fresh ingredients, specialty dishes and desserts.

Basic Supplies

Make a list of the basic supplies you’ll need for your big day. Here is a list of my must-haves that I find most everyone needs when preparing for Thanksgiving.

  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Butter
  • Fresh spices
  • Garbage bags
  • Aluminum foil
  • Plastic container for leftovers

Dishes and Silverware

Check to make sure you have enough plates and silverware for your main meal and desserts. You should also make sure you have plenty of serving dishes and utensils. Large spoons, tongs for your tossed salad and large forks for your meat are always needed when serving your Thanksgiving meal.


There is nothing more frustrating than when you’re pressed for time, and you can’t find your recipe for the dish you need to prepare. Make a small booklet of all the recipes you will be creating for Thanksgiving. Print copies of your recipes, then laminate them. This will make the cards easy to clean. Organize them in a small book. This is also a good time to go through each recipe to make sure you have all the ingredients needed to make each dish.

Cookware and Knives

Organize the cookware in your cupboards. Make sure you have enough pots and pans for preparing all your special dishes. If you need cookware pieces you don’t have, save money by borrowing them from your friends. You’ll also want to make sure your knives are sharp for when you carve the turkey or cut your pies into pieces.

These tips will help ensure you have a Thanksgiving full of fun not stress, which will give you the time to make treasured memories with your loved ones.

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