Have a Yard Sale on a Nice Day

I have a yard sale every summer and I love it. This is the time of year where you see a lot of signs up that are saying ” Yard Sale this Saturday or so and so..” At least every week around my city you can go to a yard sale. Having kids make it hard to be outside and have them see people take their belongings away. I do not like that at all so I have my mom come over and entertain them. Children do not like seeing when other people touch their toys or clothing.

If you have kids and want to make a yard sale than I suggest you talk to them and let them know you will be rewarded for their belongings. Kids love money I mean what kid does not so talk to them about seling things. People have yard sales for so many different reasons. Some people want to get rid of junk in their closets and draws. Some people need to get rid of things for space. Some people who need to move can not take everything with them so they sell it. Some people want a new look in their home and want new furniture and nick nacks. I personally have a lot of toys from having 3 kids so I need to get rid of things like toys and baby clothing.

I had a yard sale last summer and got rid of 3 high chairs and the walker. Many of toys go to my little guy but not everything. You can find some great things at a yard sale. If your a yard sale lover than come to Massachusettes. We have a lot here. You can find old antique items, collectors items, old furniture that can be finished, nice clothing, and items worth something. Tons of things can be found at yard sales like books, music cd’s, bikes, furniture, beds, roller skates, nick nacks, clothing, baby items, and more.

You can place all your itmes on tables outside your home. Price all items with labels. Try to make it not too expensive. For clothing and nick nacks try to aim in the $10-$20 area. For furniture we all know is expensive so try to get at least half of the value so about $20-$50. Sometimes people will bargain with you to drop the price and if you feel you should than do it. At the end of the day and you still have a lot of items left over than try to have another yard sale day or give it to charity.

Yard sales can clear up your clutter and earn you some cash. The first thing to do is find the clutter and put it all together and have a yard sale. If you think its worth something to someone else than try to sell it. Try to set a good price and not to high that people won’t even pick the item up. Make sure that the money goes into a small box with a lock on it. No not leave this box unattended. Make sure you set up a table for yourself where you will be ringing up items. Make them signs big and bright. One week before the yard sale day make sure to post them at the corners of your house and grocery stores. Try to get attention by sticking them where people can see them and will want to see them.

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