Having Trouble with Candle Wicks? Use this Tool to Cut Them when Scissors Won’t Work

Like I mentioned, I am one for following instructions even when it comes down to lighting candles and I am sure most of you have read where it says on your candle’s instructions to cut the wick 1/4 inch for more efficient performance. Like myself, many have struggled most of the time to find the right scissors to do the job.

Although many challenges were faced, I mainly fought with the scissors either being to dull to cut the wick or being to long to fit inside the candle jar to cut the wick. Low and behold, the last time I was going to be searching for a solution to this small but annoying household task was right around the corner. Well maybe not around the corner, but in my kitchen drawer.

I remember it well. I went to grab my scissors out of the kitchen drawer and next to it was a regular old nail clipper. Already picturing me using the nail clipper in my head, I said to myself, “This has got to be the answer”!

So yes, ladies and gentleman, not only will the nail clipper suffice for hand and foot maintenance but also cutting a candle’s wick. It will get the wick down to a size that is recommended for better performance with none of the hurdles faced with using your average pair of household scissors. You will definitely get that precise cut!

Enjoy using it for your first and subsequent candle burnings.

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