Having an ADHD Child

Dealing with an ADHD child can be very hard at times. Dealing with all
the things that come along with ADHD alone can be scary. This is
to help you realize your not alone and its not your fault.

ADHD is not something that you as a parent did wrong. This is out
of your control. I know you are asking your self where did i go wrong.
what did i do wrong. I know that because i thought the same thing. i am
here to tell you that you did nothing wrong. this was not your fault. With
some help and some counseling things can get to be semi normal. I wont
say completely normal because no matter what you do, ADHD will still
be there.

What exactly is ADHD you ask.. Its attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Pretty
much in non medical terms it is all summed up to Having a very hard time concentrating.
It could be at home doing simple daily chores, at school trying to complete daily work.
The other part is hyper. Your child is extremely hyper. Its hard to get them
to listen and to sit still. Don’t worry this can be helped.

Your first thing to do is go to the doctors and they will lead you in the right
direction. You will have to take your child to a few appointments with
different kinds of doctors. You and your doctor will decide what is the
best direction to head in. Most likely they will want to try different meds
on your child. during this time you will need to pay close attention to
the way your child behaves. In my personal experience i choose to
have a notebook with me for the first two weeks and anything that
happened i wrote it down. they way they were acting, eating and sleeping.
this is a very good way to get accurate results to the doc. Counseling
is another thing that helped. This is for the child. they will also learn
how to control ADHD. If things are going real bad for you, you may
also decided that you might want to go to counseling also.
There are many support groups for parents. They will help you deal
with this disorder. So you as a parent will get a better understanding so
you will be able to help your child more.

The most important advice i can give you is all summed up in one word. TIME.
This will take time. Nothing is going to change over night. It will take a lot
of time and patients to get things on a good track. Also spending time
with your child. Talk to them and explain to them that this is not there fault.
This is not them being bad and not knowing how to listen. This is simply
a chemical imbalance in there brain. No one has caused this. I have
seen many parents scream and yell at their children and throw a pill
at them. Now i don’t know about you but i would not call that
getting things in control. That is just a temporally solution to a perminet

Check on line for many support groups. There are so many out there. Maybe you
might like that better then going some place. I have read and read and talk to
so many other parents going through the same as me . It has helped a great deal.

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