Health Benefits of Cucumber

Cucumber is a native plant of India and other tropical regions; it is used as a popular fresh vegetable in a variety of salads and sandwiches and is a mainstay of many of today’s lunches. Whether it’s cucumber wedges tossed in a garden salad, slices on a sandwich, or used as an appetizer for parties, the cucumber is a nutritious and healthful pick.

Cucumber traces its roots to northern India, but was widely available to Western cultures in Greece, Rome, and Egypt. Today it is cultivated across East and Southern Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

Cucumber’s nutritional benefits include natural salts, enzymes, and vitamins essential for strong cell growth and repair. In addition, the high mineral content and minerals in cucumber peel offer a natural source for a fresh, powerful antioxidant. The alkalinity of cucumber is also a positive attribute, and because of its water base, the cucumber is also a top choice as a diuretic.

Aside from its internal uses, cucumber can help control constipation, stomach disorders, arthritis, cholera, and acne. The high water content, combined with its ability to balance acid, helps to reduce disorders and ailments that may be a cause of overproduction of various acidic compounds.

Juicing a cucumber is, perhaps, the best way to consume it for maximum nutritional benefit. Juicing helps to preserve all minerals, natural-occurring vitamins, and nutritioun value; cucumber juice can be combined with other vegetables such as carrot and beets for a detoxifying drink or smoothie.

As a beauty aid, the cucumber provides immediate relief to puffy eyes; a fresh cucumber can be cut into thin slices, and these placed on the eyes for 5-10 minutes. This works incredibly well after a tiring day at work in front of the computer, and helps to relieve stress and dark circles around the eye area as well. Grated cucumber can be used as a mask and tonic for the entire face and neck. The benefit of a high sulfur and silicon content helps with skin surface issues and balancing, and the natural cooling properties provide for an easy facial on a hot humid day.

Adding mint, coconut, or egg whites to a cucumber paste will give you additional properties for maintaining fresh and youthful skin. Leave on your face for 20 minutes, rinse, and pat dry. You’ll notice an immediate difference!

Cucumber is just another of nature’s natural gifts for exceptional nutrition and great skin. Inside and out, the cucumber’s natural health benefits make it a top choice for an at-home facial, remedy for various distresses and conditions, plus a healthy option for your lunch or dinner salad.

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