Health Benefits of Switching from Regular Milk to Organic Milk

I’m trying desperately not to get caught up in the sudden craze for all foods organic, but I must admit, the allure of pure, natural foods, untouched by pesticides, chemicals, toxins, excessive additives and preservatives and other unnatural elements has firmly taken hold of my mind, as well as the minds of millions of people who are also making the switch to healthier, organic foods.

Recently, I began actually reading about the differences between organic food products and regular products (organic milk in particular), and about the possibility that certain chemicals, additives or preservatives added to foods may in fact contain elements that increase our desire and addiction to these foods, especially the unwholesome snacks that populate many consumer’s kitchen cabinets.

I recently sampled a batch of organic bananas, and maybe it was reality, or maybe just my mind convincing me it was better than regular bananas because of the organic label, but they did taste better. Cleaner. Fresher. And so to begin my changeover to organic foods, I have decided that alongside organic bananas and a host of other organic vegetables and fruits, I will be including organic milk in my daily diet as well.

Milk was already healthy in its own right, but I recently learned of the major differences in vitamin and nutrient count when compared to organic milk, and I was instantly sold. Health communities are likely already aware of the high amount of nutritional content found in organic milk, nearly 70% more omega-3s than in regular whole milk, and recent tests and studies showed organic milk to contain 50% more vitamin E, 75% more beta carotene, and nearly 2-3 times richer in valuable antioxidants.

With such a major difference, it is obvious why organic milk is an ideal choice for anyone interested in living a healthier lifestyle or concerned about vitamin and nutrient intake, or simply for a purer, fresher tasting milk.

Organic milk also benefits the cows who produce it. Cows graze on pesticide and chemical free pastures, and are not given any antibiotics or hormones traditionally used in cow farming and milk production. Some farms even treat sick cows with herbal remedies rather than medicinal cures to maintain a total organic environment. Such practices are beneficial for the land, the cows, and ultimately us, the consumer.

The internet and various cookbooks with organic based recipes will likely hold a number of recipes that utilize organic milk, promising a richer, better flavor, and healthier results.

For better health and a cleaner environment, doctors, nutritionists and health advocates are urging consumer to continue to switch to organic foods, and most supermarkets already stock a large portion of organic foods, including organic milk. As more consumers continue to discover the benefits of organic milk and other organic products, you may soon find thar the organic products number in the majority in supermarkets.

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