Health Care Services for Elders in Eugene, Oregon

With a growing senior population, health care services for elders in Eugene, Oregon are on the rise as well. There are so many choices and options, in fact, that it may be overwhelming and difficult for individuals and families to decipher where to turn. Fortunately, most health care facilities can provide you with information and referrals about other community services. Here are some important resources to know about in Eugene:

Senior and Disabled Services is located at 1015 Willamette Street and is easily accessibly by bus. The telephone number is 682-4038 (541), the website is Senior and Disabled Services administers services for seniors, such as Senior Connections, Meals on Wheels and a Family Caregiver Program, and can also provide referral information to health care services. Additionally, you can access public disclosure files for other facilities and services in Lane County.
Lane County Public Health is at 135 E. 6th Avenue, across the street from the Eugene Hilton. They hold flu shot clinics in the fall and winter and can provide other health care services to the general public. The phone number for Lane County Public Health is 682-4013 (

Sacred Heart Medical Center and PeaceHealth health care services are located in various locations throughout Eugene and you can access information about the hospital and care providers at or call 686-7300. The PeaceHealth Center for Senior Health is a fantastic resource for seniors (although it may take awhile to get an appointment because it is so popular and necessary!). This center specializes in geriatric care and community based health care services. Call 687-6234 or look for the link on the PeaceHealth website:
Also providing community based senior health programs is Cascade Health Solutions. Their dedicated staff can be reached at 228-3114 or

If you are looking for home-based services or would simply like to talk to someone about all the various facilities and services available in the Eugene community, New Horizons In Home Care can be a great resource. They can provide materials and trained staff to help you figure out the best route to take for senior health care services. Check out their website at or email new
If you are a veteran of the armed services, there are Veteran’s Administration services in Eugene. The Veteran’s Administration Clinic is at 100 River Avenue and can be reached at 607-0897. Lane County Veteran’s Services can be reached at 682-4191 and they can help with filling out paperwork and determining what sort of veteran’s benefits an individual may qualify for.

In addition to health care services, Eugene is home to many support groups and support organizations. New Horizons In-Home Care puts out a handy directory of services and facilities specifically for seniors and their families. Call 687-8851 to get a copy.

For additional referrals and resources, be sure to ask your physician or health care provider. Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Social Workers and other health care professionals can be good resources for elder health services in the Eugene area.

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