Health Care Services for Elders in Pasadena

Pasadena has some good health care services for elders. There are many retired people in Pasadena who need health care services for elders. Following are some of Pasadena’s health care services for elders. As can be seen, older adults are lucky to be living in Pasadena.

837 S. Fair Oaks Ave.
Pasadena, Ca 91105
626 397 3110

Senior Care provides free telephone information to assist elders on aging needs and suggests resources that can allow seniors to stay in their own homes in Pasadena.

Senior Care also provides care co-ordinators, social workers who benefit health care services for elders by working with families and older adults on long and short term assistance to identify needs, have a plan of action, get necessary services, and monitor care.

Senior Care has Caregiver Support Services to help caregivers to manage the stress of caregiving and to try to relieve some of the burden of care giving.

Senior Care has a 50 Plus Health Connection that sponsors education programs on health for older adults.

Senior Care runs the Geriatric Assessment Clinic that helps to assess an elder’s medical, psychosocial, and functional capacities and recommends treatment.

Senior Care has an on line newsletter called Perspective that provides information on aging issues and services for elders.

566 El Dorado St. #100
Pasadena 91106
626 792 2292

The Beverly Foundation is dedicated to providing innovative solutions to mobility problems for elders as they go about Pasadena and beyond. This contributes to elder’s health because it keeps them out and about and active in their community. For example, they have a large roster of volunteers who are willing to drive seniors in their own cars.

788 N Altadena Dr.
Pasadena Ca 91107
626 398 5566

Because good nutrition is often a problem in the health of elders, Intervale provides meals in Pasadena and other San Gabriel locations. It also runs a Meals On Wheels Program for those who can’t get to Intervale’s dining areas.

Intervale also has urgency case management and care management services. Call 626 858 8382

Elders may need mental health care services in Pasadena and the following two agencies provide special services for older adults.

447 N El Molino Ave
Pasadena Ca 91101
626 577 8480

Fuller Theological Seminary has a School of Psychology that has a clinic to assist older adults with mental health issues. Interns who are supervised by licensed psychologists provide individual or family counseling. Medicare or MediCal covers payment. Therapists will come to the homes of those who are unable to get to the clinic.

66 Hurburt St.
Pasadena Ca 91105
626 441 4221

Pacific Clinics Older Adults Services works with people with major mental illness over the age of 60. It provides individual and group therapy, medication management, and case management. It can do home visits for those who are unable to get to the clinic.

Payment is made by Medicare, MediCal, or is free if the individual has no insurance and no resources.

As can be seen, Pasadena has a good array of health care services for elders in Pasadena.

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