Health Product Review: Body Sculpture Toning Lotion

After having a baby, or losing weight, women often times find themselves with loose skin that they can’t tighten with exercise and diet. Most plastic surgeons say that the only solution for this problem is to have a tummy tuck. However, while this may be the case for severe cases, in many cases the tone of the skin can be improved with firming lotions. This is not to say that this is a miracle solution that will make you three sizes slimmer over night, but what these products can do is nourish your skin and replace vital elements that your skin needs to regain at least some of its former resiliency and elasticity.

One of the most effective firming lotions that I have tried is Body Sculpture Toning Lotion. It takes two to four weeks to start seeing improvements in the tightness and resiliency of your skin, however, other firming lotions that are offered by companies like Vasaline and Jergens, take six or more weeks before results can be seen. To use this product you will need to apply it to your trouble areas twice a day. Once in the morning and once before you go to bed. You will want to message in this cream for about a minute to ensure proper absorption, and to increase blood flow to these areas. It doesn’t have a perfumy smell to it, and in fact it doesn’t have much of a smell at all. Also it is not a thick cream, and you will need to shake the bottle before each use to ensure that heavier ingredients in the product have not settled out in the bottle.

Body Sculpture Toning Lotion contains the following ingredients: organic Kukui Nut Oil, organic Caffeine, organic Lechithin, water, Potasium Sorbate, Peg 8 Stearate, Cytyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Polysorbate 60, Decamenthyltetrasiloxane, Silicone Resin Simethicone, Green Tea Extract, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Glycol, Sodium Chloride, Tocopheryl Acetate dl-�±, Disodium EDTA, Glycolic Acid, Fragrance Tropical, Propylparaben, Methyparagen. It is distributed by Spectrum Partners out of Beverly Hills, California, and can be purchased from the following retailers:,,, as well as several other online stores. The price of this product will differ depending on which supplier you use, however, the lowest price that I have found online is about $19.38, with a high end of about $29.99. This price is for the 8 fl. Oz. tube.

While this product is very effective at tightening loose skin, it does have a few drawbacks that consumers should be aware of before they purchase it. First the lotion is very thin and it has a tendency to run out of the tube when the lid is open. To help avoid wasting lotion between applications, you will need to tip the bottle up so that the round end is pointed upwards. This is especially true if you intend to apply the lotion to several locations while the lid is open. Applying this toning lotion can also be a bit messy because of the thinness of the lotion. It has a tendency to run, so you will need to squirt the lotion into your hand and then rub it on your trouble areas instead of squirting it on a body location. The final problem that this product has is that it is only effective up to a certain point. It is great for tightening slightly loose skin, however, after a while you will hit a tightening plateau that you won’t be able to break. Therefore after you reach this plateau I recommend that you stop using the product everyday as you won’t get any thinner. You may want to keep a tube around for spot tightening if you lose more weight, or if you start to droop again in the same areas that you originally treated.

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