Healthy Lifestyle: Even a Caveman Can Do It

Well, according to the latest research, the caveman IS still around. At least your body thinks so. It’s not just that we are evolved from hunter-gathers, in reality we still are. We have evolved enormously in a technological and social sense, (well, that last statement may be open to argument), but according to our DNA we haven’t changed much since the Paleolithic era. The typical caveman’s day may have consisted of walking for miles tracking an animal, expending a great deal of energy killing it, dragging the carcass back a long way to the cave, and eating a relatively small portion. After all you have to share it with the members of the tribe, like woman, children, and elders who can’t hunt for themselves. The only saving grace was that you could eat some of the fruits, vegetables, and roots that they had foraged while you were gone.
Sometimes you didn’t get lucky and came home exhausted and empty-handed. Compare that feast or famine scenario to our lifestyles today where we sit at a desk all day and then stop by for a massive amount of calories at the drive-in window on the way home, and then eat our fries in front of the television. Compared to the caveman, we live in a perpetual feast and constant leisure. Take the fight-or-flight syndrome for example; for our ancestors who faced death from predators every day, this mechanism was crucial. When our hearts raced and the adrenaline pumped, it gave us extra energy to get away. Now the same process takes place when your boss yells at you and it’s certainly not healthy.
So, what are some of the things that you can do to live more like a caveman?
Cavemen moved around a lot. They walked for miles, ran, and fought for their lives and their food. Since most of us don’t have to do that, there is only one thing that can replace it and that is exercise, both aerobic and non-aerobic. Probably one of our greatest obstacles is the chair. At work, get up, move around, and take the stairs. Cavemen ate a lot of red meat. Not really. Meat was a luxury that was hard to come by. Ever see a fat lion or tiger in the wild? The body was designed to build up some fat reserves to make it through famine. It still is. Also, as stated before, even when there was red meat to eat, the portions were probably small. They also ate a lot of fish. Cavemen also ate fruits, vegetables, roots and plants that were in season. That way they had a varied diet. Try doing the same and eat fresh. Most of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables are in the outermost layers. When the going got rough they also ate a lot of high fiber plants like leaves, grass, roots, and whole grains. In nature, most foods that taste sweet are more edible than those that taste sour or bitter. We may have developed a sweet tooth to avoid eating the substances that were poisonous and passed them on. So when you consume sweets, do like the cavemen did and make sure the sugar comes from fruits that are high in antioxidants and water.
It’s really a lifestyle so commonsense that even a caveman can do it, even in this day and age.