Healthy Thanksgiving Activities

Even if you plan on indulging on turkey-day, it doesn’t mean that you have to shelve all your healthy habits until you’re back at work on Monday. Here are six ideas to keep your Thanksgiving weekend active.
Exercise Thanksgiving Morning
Thanksgiving weekend is a busy time filled with food and family. However, if you already have a regular exercise routine, don’t stop just because it is a holiday. Many gyms are open Thanksgiving morning. Alternatively, try a Turkey-Trot 5k. These fun runs are popping up all over the country and they’re a good way to get your blood moving first thing in the morning.
Family Football Game
Football goes hand in hand with Thanksgiving. This year, instead of just watching the big game, why don’t you play one with the family? Grab the old pigskin and divvy up two teams. It’s an activity the whole family will enjoy. Try to leave the tackling to the professionals though: make your game a touch football match.
Put on Your Walking Shoes
It is so tempting to head right for the recliner, pop up the foot rest, and lay back for a nice afternoon nap after the big feast. Try to resist temptation, and get the family to head out for a walk. Even if you overdid it with Grandma’s world famous mashed potatoes, getting a good walk in will aid with digestion. The walk will make you feel much better than a nap would anyway. However, that recliner will still be there after the walk if you still want that nap.
Move with the Kids
After that pie, the kids will be on a sugar high. Use that energy and play with them. Bring them to a local park after the big meal and run around. Take a classic game and give it a Thanksgiving twist, like playing tag – but everyone has to run like turkeys.
Exercise Your Way to a Sale
While you are looking for the best gift at the best price for every member in your family, make sure you are also doing some good for yourself. Getting up at 4A.M. on the biggest shopping day of the year doesn’t mean you have to neglect activity. Just make sure you are walking from store to store. If you have to drive up to the big box store, park in the back (like there will be any close parking spots this weekend anyway) and walk a little farther to get to the front of the store. Then, when you leave, make sure to walk your cart back to the front. By the end of the day, you will have all your gifts picked out and a sufficient calorie-burn to boot.
Turn on the Lights
Alright, it’s the day after Thanksgiving – and you officially have permission to get those Holiday lights up. Climbing up and down the ladder to get each strand just right will keep you active and your heart-rate up Thanksgiving weekend.