Help! I’m Dating a Leo!

Most people characterize Leo types as strong willed, bull headed and hard to deal with. When involved in a dating relationship with a Leo, these facts may, at times, seem true. But, don’t judge a book by its cover! In astrology, the Leo characteristics are very layered and, at times, seem to internally conflict within the Leo. Understanding what makes a Leo type feel important and, how to cater to the dominant characteristic, will make your dating experience much more pleasant.

While is it true that Leo types are great leaders, it is also important to know the Leo type is loyal. Preferring to organize and work hard, Leo types are disciplined and generally demand a lot of themselves and of others. In astrology, Leo types tend to view the world in an ideal fashion and while they are confident, Leo types are also self – conscious and humble. To attract a Leo type, as a dating partner, one must present as a hard working, loyal individual who does not appear to be more qualified than the Leo.

In love, Leo types make a strong connection between sex and emotion. With a powerful sex drive, Leo types tend to falter in relationships based on sex as, at the core, to succeed in a relationship, the Leo type must have a strong sexual relationship but also find the connection within all other astrology dimensions of the personaility. When dating a Leo, defer sexual interaction and build the relationship levels while catering to the idea or fantasy of sex. By doing so, this will assist the Leo in building the relationship at other levels while remaining interested from a sexual perspective.

In terms of love, Leo types require constant love and attention. In family settings, the leadership quality of a Leo enables the Leo to control family issues and may extend into friendships. In fact, the Leo type is generally known to be entertaining but also involved and over-see the actions of the loved ones around them. With this in mind, when a Leo type feels betrayed by a loved one, the outburst is usually in private and very dramatic as Leo types are very strong willed in the area of loyalty. When betrayed, it is often beyond the Leo type’s comprehension as to how the events transpired as they did. When dating a Leo, be mindful of the tendency to over-see from a leadership perspective but the overwhelming desire to be loved and admired. What may seem as an overly nosey astrology Leo, is actually a person who is over-seeing and cares about the outcome of events and the people they love.

Opinionated is the Leo! With a strong sense to make an impact on the world, Leo types tend to feel the need to push and enforce their opinions onto others. Great debaters, Leo types tend to view the world as a big picture and do not focus on details. They take great pride in their beliefs. In astrology, when let down or betrayed, the Leo type becomes very disillusioned with the betrayer. When dating a Leo type, avoid heated discussions which involve opinions as the Leo will never sway on their belief system and are very idealistic.

Understanding the astrological characteristics of a Leo type and how to manipulate the dating scene, will ensure a more pleasant experience in a relationship. With strong sex drives, loyalty, passion, opinions and the need to change the world, dating a Leo will, undoubtedly, be an experience never forgotten.

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