Help Your Child Prepare for the SATs

Unfortunately most colleges base their decision on whether or not to accept your child to their school on how well they do on the SAT’s. The main purpose of the SAT’s is to predict how well you will do in college. They feel that these scores will show them how well prepared you are to face the many challenges of school. The better prepared your child is the better they will do on this test. There are several things that you can do to help your child. First you need to work on your child’s vocabulary skills. You can do this by testing them on how well they comprehend the meaning of certain words used in different forms. There are some very difficult words that appear on the SAT’s, and your child should be prepared for them. Test strategies teach you critical thinking skills so you can analyze a problem and determine the right answer.

Another idea is to work on refreshing your child’s math skills. This would include Geometry and Algebra, as well as everything else they would have learned from their twelve years of school. Test taking strategies help you transform what you already know into higher SAT scores. The best way is to focus your efforts on a different subject each week. There are many places where you can take your child to participate in free SAT preparation classes. To find out what classes are offered in your area you can have your child ask their guidance counselor at school. They usually have a list of locations that are available to your child. If they can not recommend any places than you can try searching online for different locations. You can also visit to order some real SAT’s practice tests.

You are sure to find at least one in your area. This will help you to figure out what your child’s weak points are as well as what their strong areas are. You will also want to remember not to put too much pressure or stress on your teenager. Taking SAT’s is a lot of pressure for them. They already know that if they do not do well on this test they can hurt or ruin there chances at getting into the college of their choice. Make sure that you give them all of the loving support that they need. This will also help them to be successful. It is a prov-en fact that most children work better when they are not so stressed out.

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