Help Your Pet Deal with Their Deafness

If your pet was born deaf, then it will definitely be harder to train them, so patience is key. You may want to take them to obedience school for training to allow a professional or a specialist to train your deaf pet, which may be easier for you and your pet. Another way to help your pet deal with their deafness is to incorporate the use of a new language. Using hand signals or other body motions can help your pet communicate with you. If you want your pet to come to you, try waving your hand toward you motioning her to come. Putting your hand in front of their face in a firm stance could help them understand to stop or that you mean no. You can also stomp your foot to get your pet to come or stop. Crouching down and motioning for your pet to come or eat is another good way to communicate with them. When your pet obeys your sign language commands be sure to reward them with lots of hugs and treats.
Another good way to help your pet deal with their deafness is to use food or smells. Pets have a powerful sense of smell, you can use a lot of sign language commands with foods. Waving foods will make your pet come and at the same time motion your hand toward you. While your pet is sleeping or not looking in your direction never startle them. A startled pet could attack, especially dogs. Slowly walk to them and gently tap them to either wake them or alert them. Although your pet may be deaf, some sharp sounds are distinguishable since pets can hear better than humans.
Piercing, loud sounds usually irritate pets because it is so distinguishable, you can try blowing a whistle, ringing a bell, or making loud clapping sounds to get your pet’s attention and to train them. At night, you can flash lights in the room your pet is staying in to get their attention or flash porch lights on to get their attention. Last but not least, you can always get another pet to help your deaf pet deal with their deafness and get around. Just like seeing-eye dos are used to guide a blind person, another pet can guide a deaf pet making life much easier for everyone.
If you are told your pet has an ear infection, be sure you properly treat it. Ear infections can cause deafness if ignored. Keep your pets’ ears clean with products safe for pet use. And if you notice foul smells coming from your pet’s ears or they are constantly rubbing and scratching them, take your pet to the vet.