Help for Female Sexual Dysfunction is on the Way

Female sexual dysfunction is often referred to as frigidity and describes a woman’s lack of desire to have any thing to do with sexual activity. According to studies women who experience female sexual dysfunction have no response to sexual stimulation at all. These women also appear to have an inability to achieve orgasm. For a long time it looked as though medical professionals were only focusing on answers to male sexual dysfunction, however in recent years that has changed and Intrinsa was developed.

Researchers are hoping that Intrinsa will do for female dysfunction what Viagra did for male dysfunction. Intrinsa is coming out in the summer of 2006. This is a testosterone patch meant for a woman to wear on her abdomen. According to the makers, Intrinsa releases a low dose of hormones that increase the sexual drive. The patch is time released over a period of time, not only increasing the sex drive but doing so slowly. Intrinsa is, in effect, a testosterone patch. According to experts, testosterone is produced naturally in a woman’s ovaries and adrenal glands and has long been linked to female sexual function. The loss of sexual desire in women can be associated with a testosterone drop. Low desire is the most commonly reported type of female sexual dysfunction.

Sexual dysfunction in women breaks up into different categories, the first of which is lack of desire. Lack of desire is defined as when a woman has no interest in sex at all. Second there are issues of arousal, which means that a woman is having trouble even getting aroused. The final two categories are orgasmic, not being to achieve organism, and sexual pain disorders such as dyspareunia and vaginismus, when a woman has pain during sex.

According to medical experts, sexual dysfunction is encountered more often in women than in men. Medicine has been around for years to address male sexual dysfunction and now companies are developing pills, creams, gels and sprays for female sexual dysfunctions. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration, Intrinsa is showing the most hope for approval for public use.

Procter & Gamble already submitted Intrinsa for approval with the FDA once however an FDA advisory panel decided not to approve it just yet. The FDA wanted further studies on long term effects. According to Procter & Gamble, they expect Intrinsa to be back in play for approval this year.

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